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The Man and the Century:
A Timeline Biography of the Lubavitcher Rebbe

1967: The six Day War

In spring of 1967, as the Arab capitals paraded their arms and openly spoke of overrunning the Land of Israel and casting its inhabitants into the sea, a great panic enveloped the land. The media was almost unanimous in its feeling that the small Jewish state was outflanked and outgunned by its enemies, and stood little chance of survival. It was obvious that the world was going to stand by once again and let happen whatever may happen.

The Rebbe stood out as a voice of confidence and encouragement. “The Guardian of Israel neither sleeps nor slumbers,” he said, quoting the eternal words of Psalms; G-d watches over His people wherever they are, especially in the Holy Land.

On June 5, 1967, Israel launched a preemptive strike on its southern and northern frontiers. Six days later, the world stood amazed at the swift and bold victory. Within one dizzying week Israel defeated five armies on three fronts and liberated territories of its promised homeland amounting to an area greater than its own size.

The Rebbe saw the heart of his nation open wide. It was a biblical moment; an opportunity of cosmic proportions, and the Rebbe urged Jewish leadership to respond. Speak about returning to tradition and they will listen. Ask them to don tefillin and they will roll up their sleeves. The Rebbe wanted the Six Day War to be a Jewish victory.

“G-d’s eyes rest on it always, from the beginning of the year to the end of the year” (Deuteronomy 11:12). The Rebbe saw this divine statement as the ultimate guarantor of Israel’s physical safety.

He was equally concerned with the spiritual state of Israel. This is the land referred to as the “Holy Land” by all peoples of the world, the Rebbe reminded us. Certainly we, to whom the land has been entrusted, must safeguard and cultivate its holiness.

The Rebbe was in constant communication with Israeli government and military leaders on matters of safety and security.

Whenever the issue of “land for peace treaties” came to the fore, the Rebbe, as he did on every issue, would look to the Torah for guidance. The Rebbe found that Torah law sets forth the criteria necessary for Israel’s peace and safety: these can only be achieved from a position of strength and confidence. Any sign of weakness or self-doubt, he insisted, is sure to encourage Israel’s adversaries toward further aggression and terrorism.

The Rebbe’s great concern for and intimate involvement with the Holy Land, both personally and through his thousands of followers and hundreds of institutions there, are legendary. The people of Israel responded in kind. His picture can be seen in army outposts and falafel stands from Eilat to Metulah, and everyone, from “the man on the street” to prime ministers and army generals, have turned to him for blessing and counsel.