1902: Childhood
1915: Learning
1916: World War I
1923: Soviet Jewry
1928: Marriage
Torah & Science
Flight from Europe
1939-45: Holocaust & Rebuilding
Author & Teacher
1950: Leadership
Chassidic Feminism
1960: Technology
1963: Rebellion
1967: The Six Day War
1972: Retirement?
1974: Mitzvah Tanks
Illness & Challenge
1983: Mankind
"Sunday Dollars"
1988: Passing of Rebbetzin
1989: The End of the Cold War
Missiles & Miracles
3 Tammuz 1994: Transmission
1994: Discovery of the "Reshimot"
Today: The Goal
Library: History & Biography
The Man and the Century:
A Timeline Biography of the Lubavitcher Rebbe

1963: Rebellion

The early Sixties saw the emergence of what was subsequently termed the “youth culture.”

In increasing numbers, the younger generation were growing distrustful of their elders and rejecting the values and way of life into which they had been raised.

Parents, educators and religious leaders were horrified. But the Rebbe saw the spiritual yearnings underneath the tumult. These young men and women, he said to his Chassidim, are searching for G-d, without being fully aware of what they are looking for and where they can find it. They have taken a first important step in rejecting the false, humanly-contrived ideologies embraced by their parents forty and fifty years ago. Now they must be helped with the second step--the study of Torah and the observance of mitzvot, which is the key to uncovering the divine essence that resides in their souls.

Lubavitcher Chassidim began showing up in college campuses around the country. Drop-in centers were opened for students and “Encounter with Chabad” weekends were held, introducing young men and woman to the rich spiritual world of Torah and Chassidism. After decades, and even generations, of assimilation, young Jews were doing teshuvah--returning to their source and reclaiming their heritage.