1902: Childhood
1915: Learning
1916: World War I
1923: Soviet Jewry
1928: Marriage
Torah & Science
Flight from Europe
1939-45: Holocaust & Rebuilding
Author & Teacher
1950: Leadership
Chassidic Feminism
1960: Technology
1963: Rebellion
1967: The Six Day War
1972: Retirement?
1974: Mitzvah Tanks
Illness & Challenge
1983: Mankind
"Sunday Dollars"
1988: Passing of Rebbetzin
1989: The End of the Cold War
Missiles & Miracles
3 Tammuz 1994: Transmission
1994: Discovery of the "Reshimot"
Today: The Goal
Library: History & Biography
The Man and the Century:
A Timeline Biography of the Lubavitcher Rebbe

1943: Author & Teacher

In 1943 the Rebbe published Hayom Yom, a pocket-sized booklet with a Chassidic saying for each day of the year. Misleadingly humble in format, it soon became a veritable guide to the life of the soul of the Chassid.

More than 200 volumes of essays, letters and talks were followed over the next half century, pertaining to and illuminating virtually every area of Torah (the vast body of wisdom and law deriving from 3300 years of Jewish study and application of the Divine word revealed at Sinai).

The world has primarily heard of the Rebbe as a great leader and motivator; but no less central to his personality is his revolutionary philosophy and approach to life. Indeed, from his teachings sprang the amazing reach of his influence and the legendary devotion of his followers. (For a sampling of the Rebbe’s teachings, see the “Wisdom” area of this website.)

The Rebbe's primary medium of teaching was the farbrengen--the "Chassidic gathering" in which he addressed thousands of Chassidim and other participants from all walks of life; it was not unusual for a farbrengen to go on for six, eight or even ten hours. The farbrengen consisted of sichot ("talks") separated by brief intervals of song and l'chayim. Following each farbrengen, a select group of disciples reviewed and transcribed the Rebbe's talks, many of which were submitted to him for editing and annotation. These edited talks yielded the 39 volumes of Likkutei Sichot which form the backbone of the Rebbe's teachings.