Laws & Customs
By: Amy J. Kramer
The Menorah: Candles are lit on a menorah, or
Chanukiah, in Hebrew. A kosher menorah must have space for eight candles
all lined up in a straight row. All eight candles must have the same height.
A ninth, extra, space must be raised above the other eight candle branches.
So, the fancy candelabra you may have received from your
grandmother may look pretty but it may not be suitable for performing
the mitzvah of lighting candles of Hanukah.
Jews light the Hanukah menorah in memory of the Menorah
which was used in the Temple. The Temple's Menorah was made from one piece
of gold. Each of its seven branches, representing the days of the week,
were topped by a container that held the oil that fueled the flames. The
Menorah was lit on a daily basis by a Kohen, a Jew of priestly descent.
The Shamesh: The Shamash, is the lead candle that
lights all other candles. If the Hanukah menorah does not have a raised
Shamash, it is not considered kosher and should not be used. Even though
electric menorahs are widely used, they are not a kosher alternative.
Candles vs. Oil & Wick: Most menorahs use
candles, but some take oil and wicks. Choose which ever you like best.
Oil and wicks are more authentic, but candles give more light and are
less trouble than oil.
First Night: On the first night of the Hanukah,
the first candle is placed to the far right of the menorah. Each candle
should reflect how many nights have passed. On each consecutive night,
one additional candle is placed to the left of the candle lit on the previous
How To Light: Use the Shamash to light the candles
from left to right, always lighting the new candle first. When
you are finished, put the Shamash back in its holder.
Blessings: Two blessings are recited each night
of Hanukah. On the first night one additional bracha, or blessing is recited.
First Blessing: Baruch ata Adonai elohanu melech
ha olam asher kiddishanu b’mitzvotav v’tzivanu l’hadlik
ner shel Hanukah.
Blessed are you, Adonai our G-d, Ruler of the world,
who makes us holy through your mitzvoth, and commands us to kindle the
Hanukah lights.
Second Blessing: Baruch ata Adonai elohanu
melech ha olam, she asa nisim l’avoteinu, bayamim ha-hem, bazman
ha zeh.
Blessed are you Adonai our G-d, Ruler of the world,
who worked miracles for our ancestors in days long ago at this season.
On the first night of Hanukah, we recite the third
blessing, the Sheheheyanu.
Baruch ata Adonai, elohanu melech ha olam, sheheheyanu,
v’kiyimanu, v’higiyanu, lazman ha zeh.
Blessed are you Adonai, Ruler of the world, who has
kept us alive and well, and has brought us to this season.
Shabbat: Since we light the menorah eight nights,
one candle will coincide with Shabbat. Therefore, Friday evening, Erev
Shabbat, light and recite the blessings over the Hanukah candles first,
and then light Shabbat candles since candle lighting is not permitted
once Shabbat has begun. Similarly, when Shabbat ends, make Havdalah, the
blessing which signify the official end of Shabbat, before lighting the
Hanukah candles.
Hillel vs. Shamai: A famous debate took place
in Talmudic times concerning the order in which the Hanukah candles should
be lit. The school of Shamai said, "On the first day, eight candles
are lit and thereafter they are gradually reduced by one each day."
The school of Hillel said, "One the first day one
is lit and and thereafter they are progressively increased."
Hillel explained that as we increase the light, we increase
the holiness in the world. (Talmud Babli, Shabbat, 21a). Hillel’s
opinion prevailed.
Pirsumai Nisa: In order to fulfill the mitzvah
of lighting the menorah, which means to publicize the miracle of Hanukah,
Jewish families place their menorahs in front of a clearly visible window.
If possible, it is preferable to put the menorah outside in front of the
left side of the door. This is so people who see the menorah and its burning
candles will remember and talk about the great miracle of Hanukah.
In Israel, many homes are built with cut-outs in the
wall next to the front door. These "cubbies" have glass covers
to keep out wind and rain. All who pass by and see the flickering lights
should remember and talk about the miracle of Hanukah.
Remember: Safety First! Keep burning
candles out of children's reach. And, remove any fire hazards before lighting
the Menorah!
Songs: After the menorah is lit, songs that highlight
the miracle of Hanukah are sung. The "Ma’oz Tzur," Rock
of Ages," tells of the many times G-d saved the Jewish people. Another
traditional song is "Ha Nerot Halalu," "These Lights,"
which celebrates the miracles and wonders performed by G-d.
Holy Lights: One is not supposed to use the lights
of the menorah for personal benefit.
"These lights are holy and we are not permitted
to use them, rather all we can do is look at them." These words,
from the song, "Ha Nerot Halalu," give another meaning
to the lights of Hanukah: Meditation and reflection. It is traditional
to sit near the menorah and not do any work while the candles are burning.
Presents: There is a Jewish tradition of giving
Hanukah gelt, real or candy money, to children on Hanukah. The fact that
it evolved into eight nights of giving and receiving presents may have
more to do with the influence of Christmas in America than with the tradition
of Hanukah. Parents not wanting their children to feel bad for not receiving
as many presents as their non-Jewish friends, may have begun this custom.
The Christmas Dilemma: It is nearly impossible
to think about Hanukah in America without feeling overshadowed by Christmas
decorations and merchandising, most of which start well before Thanksgiving.
It’s hard not to get caught up in the excitement. The songs are
on the radio, the stores are brightly decorated, the streets are lit and
trees are strung with white lights. Everywhere you look it is Christmas.
Even little children know it’s Christmas when their favorite TV
characters begin starring in their own Christmas specials.
How are you supposed to explain it to your children?
Children are the advertisers best audience and they definitely get the
message. I’ve found the best approach is total honesty.
Explain that most of the people living in America are
Christian. And, while people of many religions live here, the majority
of people celebrate Christmas. Let them know that they can appreciate
and enjoy the commercialism of Christmas, but that we have our own special
holidays to celebrate. In Israel, for example, our own Jewish country,
Hanukah is the most prominent holiday that is celebrated.
Foods: It is a custom to eat foods fried in oil
on Hanukah as a reminder of the miracle of the oil that lasted eight nights.
Latkes, or fried potato pancakes, is typical to almost every Jewish household
on Hanukah. In Israel, the custom is to serve sufganiot, which are jelly
donuts fried in oil. You can buy them on almost any street corner in Israel,
especially in and around Jerusalem. Here are two recipes:
Sufganiot: Here’s what you will need:
2 eggs; 1/2 cup sugar; 1 tbspn vegetable oil; 2 3/4 cup flour; 1 1/2
tspns baking powder; 1/2 tspn salt; 1 cup milk; 1/4 tspn vanilla; jam;
powdered sugar.
Beat the eggs. Add the sugar and the oil and beat again.
Combine the flour, baking powder, and salt in separate bowl. Add half
the eggs mixture and beat again. Add the milk and vanilla and remaining
flour mixture. Refrigerate for 1 hour.
Roll the dough to about 1/4 inch thickness. Use the
bottom of a glass to cut out circles. Place a teaspoon of jam on half
the circles. Use remaining circles to cover, and pinch edges together.
Deep fry the doughnuts in hot oil at 350 degrees Fahrenheit.
When doughnuts are golden, remove and drain. Sprinkle with powdered
Latkes: Here’s what you will need: 5 medium
potatoes; 1 onion; 1/4 cup flour; 1 egg, beaten; 1/4 tspn baking powder;
oil, applesauce or sour cream.
Grate potatoes and place in bowl. Grate the onion and
add to potatoes. Add flour, beaten egg and baking powder.
Heat oil in large fry pan. Drop 1/4 cup of potato mixture
on pan to form a mound. Turn over when brown. Remove and drain.
Serve with applesauce or sour cream.
Games: The most popular game associated with Hanukah
is the dreidel game. A dreidel is a four-sided top containing a letter
on each side. Each letter stands for one word of the phrase, A great
miracle happened there (here).
The Hebrew letter, nun, stands for nes, or miracle; the
gimmel stands for gadol, great; the heh, stands for happened; and the
shin, stands for there, or when played in Israel, peh, which stands for
According to the Kabbalah, or Jewish mysticism, there
is a deeper meaning to the dreidel and its four letters. The simple dreidel
represents a Jewish historical time line. The four letters stand for four
different empires that tried to destroy the Jewish people: Babylonia,
Persia, Greece, and Rome.
To Play Dreidel: To play, each player starts
with ten pennies, or nuts or chocolates. Each player puts a penny in
the pot. The dreidel is spun, one player at a time. If the dreidel lands
on nun, nothing happens. If the dreidel lands on gimmel, the player
wins the pot. If the dreidel lands on heh, the player takes half the
If the player lands on shin or peh, the player adds
two pennies to the pot. When no pennies are left in the pot, each player
adds one. When one player has won everything, the game is over.
Special Prayers: The special Al Hanisim prayer
is recited during the silent Amidah and in the Grace after Meals, as well
as Hallel, the psalm of praise, recited during morning services. Torah
readings are taken from Devarim, the book of Numbers, which focus on the
story of rededication. On Shabbat morning of Hanukah, a special Haftorah
is read from the book of Zechariah 2:14-4:7.
This reading was chosen because of its connection to
the theme of Hanukah. "Not by might, not by power, but by spirit
alone shall all people live in peace." Some synagogues add readings
from the Book of the Maccabees, or even modern plays that highlight Hanukah
Zot Hanukah: This is Hanukah, which is also the
opening words of the Torah reading.. The last day of Hanukah is thought
to have special significance as the culmination of the holiday. Like Shmini
Azeret, the eighth day of Sukkot, the eighth day of Hanukah represents
an unwillingness to let go of the celebration and spirituality of Hanukah.
The Tenth of Tevet: Shortly after Hanukah, the
tenth of Tevet is one of four fast days commemorating the destruction
of one or both Temples. The Tenth of Tevet marks the beginning of Nebuchadnezar's
seige of Jerusalem, which led to the destruction of the first temple.