Heroes & Villains
By: Amy J. Kramer
Rabbi Joshua Ben Levi said, "Women are obligated
to light the Hanukah menorah for they took part in the miracle" (Shabbat
Two heroines emerge from the Hanukah story that often
get lost in the heroic tales of the Maccabees. Their names were Judith
and Hannah and they also symbolizes the victory of the Jews over the Greeks.
No one is exactly sure how the story of Judith became
linked to the story of Hanukah because according to the Apocrypha, she
lived centuries earlier, during the reign of Nebuchadnezzar, King of Assyria.
Her story may have been written down during the Maccabean era to give
Jewish rebels courage. Ultimately, her story became incorporated into
Rabbinic lore, with the Assyrians becoming the Syrians, whom the Maccabees
Judith: In the original story, Nebuchadnezzar¡’s
commander-in-chief, Holifernes, is on a mission to conquer Judea. He lays
siege to Bethulia, possibly Jerusalem. The townspeople are ready to surrender
when a beautiful widow named Judith announces a plan.
Taking along a maid, Judith goes to the general¡’s
camp where in a private audience, convinces Holifernes that she, by praying
to her G-d, can help him conquer Judea. She stays with him for three days,
leaving each night to pray, and lulling the camp guards into a false sense
of security.
On the fourth day, Holifernes invites Judith to a special,
private banquet, where he plans to seduce her. Judith feeds Holifernes
salty cheese to make him extra thirsty. Soon, he is drunk and fast asleep.
While asleep, Judith takes his sword and cuts off his
head. When the army sees their general’s decapitated head, they
run away in retreat. She and her maid leave the camp with Holiferne’s
head in a sack, which they display to their townspeople. Israel wins a
great victory and Judith leads the people in dancing and singing praises
to G-d for defeating the enemy "by the hand of a woman." (Judith
In honor of Judith’s bravery, women are to refrain
from work on Hanukah while the candles are burning. Another custom is
to eat dairy foods since she fed the general salty cheese before she killed
Hannah: Another legend honoring a woman’s
bravery tells of the daughter of Mattityahu, sister of the Maccabees,
named Hannah. One of the Syrian decrees against the Jews was that Jewish
brides spend their wedding nights with the local ruler.
In defiance of that decree, and at her own wedding, it
is said that Hannah stripped naked before all the guests. When her brothers
sought to kill her for her ludeness, she demanded they revolt against
the Syrians to save the honor of all Jewish women. Her action was said
to have sparked the revolt.
Another Hanukah story about a woman named Hannah is told
in the second book of the Maccabees. It describes a mother of seven sons
who was forced to watch while King Antiochus tortured and murdered each
of them for not eating pork. When it was the youngest son’s turn,
the King urged her to convince him to save himself by breaking the Jewish
law against eating un-kosher meat. Hannah would not, and told her youngest
son to follow his older brother’s example and die rather than break
the Torah commandment.
Tradition has named her Hannah, although in the book
of the Maccabees, she is simply referred to as "mother."
When her youngest son is about to be murdered, she kisses
him and whispers, " Say to Father Abraham, ‘Do not pride yourself
on having built an altar and offered up our son Isaac. Our mother built
seven altars and offered up seven sons in one day. Yours was only a test,
but hers was real.’"
Special piyutim, or liturgical poems, were written about
Hannah and her sons and were recited during the synagogue service on the
Sabbath of Hanukah.