Young Child.
Significance of the Month
Elul, the sixth month of the Jewish calendar, marks the
beginning of our preparation for the High Holidays. We begin the process
of repentance, or Teshuva. The Shofar is blown every morning (except Shabbat)
as a wake-up call to start doing Teshuva. The rabbis teach that the letters
of the name Elul stand for the verse in the Song of Songs Ani L'Dodi ve-Dodi
Li "I am my beloved's and my beloved is mine" (Song of Songs
6:3). According to the majority opinion in the Mishnah, Rosh Chodesh Elul
is one of the four New Year days during the Jewish year. It marks the
new year for counting of animal tithes.
There are no holidays in Elul. It is marked by our preparations
for the High Holidays. Beginning with Rosh Chodesh Elul through Sukkot,
we recite Psalm 27 after daily morning and evening prayers. Starting the
Saturday night before Rosh Hashanah, selichot, or special penitential
prayers are said every night until Yom Kippur. These prayers should ideally
be said very late at night, which is considered a time of mercy.
Women to Celebrate
Beruriah - She is a fascinating figure in the Talmud
and Rabbinic literature. Beruriah was married to the great sage Rabbi
Meir, but she achieved prominence in her own right for her vast knowledge
and strong personality. In one famous Talmudic passage, Beruriah chastises
her husband who prayed for the demise of hooligans who were bothering
him. Rather, she told him to pray that they change their ways. This passage
is often cited when discussing Teshuva and repentance. For more on Beruriah,
see Babylonian Talmud, Brachot 10a.
Famous Women's Yahrzeits
Rebecca Gratz - 20 Elul 5629 (August 27, 1869). Philanthropist
who founded the first American Jewish institutions run by women.
Lane Bryant Malsin (Lena Himmelstein) - 26 Elul 5711
(September 29, 1951). Pioneer in women's fashion. She invented maternity
clothing and founded Lane Bryant stores that now specialize in plus sizes.
Set goals for the Rosh Chodesh group - Elul is the month
that most Rosh Chodesh groups will meet for the first time. During the
first meeting it is important to establish goals for the group. You may
want to use Hillel's text study "Blessed be Your Coming, Blessed
be Your Going."
Wake Up Your Soul - According to Moses Maimonides, one
of the greatest Jewish philosophers of all time, the shofar that we blow
every day during Elul serves as a spiritual alarm clock. He writes that
the blowing of the Shofar sends the following message: "Wake up slumberers
from your sleep and sleepers from your sleep: Examine your deeds, repent,
and remember your Creator." In the spirit of Maimonides, have everyone
in the group make their own clocks. Clock-making kits can be purchased
on the Internet or at local craft stores.
Start the Year Right: Design a Calendar - During Elul
we prepare for Rosh Hashanah, the upcoming Jewish New Year. Elul also
falls near the beginning of the school year. A perfect activity to mark
the beginning of a new year is to design calendars. Most word processing
software has templates to design calendars. Have Jewish calendars available
so you can mark Jewish holidays and Rosh Chodesh.
Teshuva/Repentance - Central to the month of Elul is
teshuva, the process of repentance. Discuss how you engage in this process
and how you prepare for the upcoming new year.
Welcome Back to School - Elul is the month that most
Rosh Chodesh groups will meet for the first time. Discuss members' hopes
and aspirations for the new school year. Share and reflect on what everyone
did over summer break.