Heroes & Villains
By: Amy J. Kramer
Jonah and the Whale
On the afternoon of Yom Kippur, while many families are
resting at home before coming back to synagogue for the concluding service
of Neilah, the Book of Jonah is read. Everyone knows about Jonah and the
whale. But the Book of Jonah, says a lot more about Jonah and G-d than
about Jonah and the whale.
Jonah is what we might call a reluctant hero. He is told
by G-d to go the city of Ninveh and tell the wicked people to repent their
ways or they will be destroyed. Jonah did not want this mission so he
decided to run away. Why and how, as a prophet of G-d, he thought he could
run away, is unclear, but he did.
So, Jonah boarded a ship for a far off country, but during
the voyage, a terrible storm struck. The only person unaffected by the
torrential downpour and crashing of waves, was of course, Jonah. While
everyone on board was praying to their gods, Jonah was fast asleep. Finally,
the captain of the ship noticed Jonah's disinterest, and when Jonah awoke,
the captain asked why he wasn't worried and praying to his god.
For some reason, Jonah told the captain that the storm
was his fault for not listening to G-d and that the only way to stop it
was to throw him off the ship. At first, Jonah's shipmates were reluctant
to toss him overboard, but as the storm grew worse and worse, they did
as Jonah asked. As soon as Jonah hit the sea, the waters stilled.
Soon, a whale came by and swallowed Jonah. For three
days and three nights, Jonah sat inside this fish. Finally, realizing
the folly of his behavior, Jonah began to pray and promise that if delivered
from the belly of the whale, he would go directly to Ninveh to fulfill
G-d's word.
When G-d realized how sorry Jonah was, he caused the
fish to spit him out on dry land. Jonah makes his way to Ninveh and tells
the people they must repent or be destroyed. The people of Ninveh repented
and were saved.
However, instead of being happy that the people of Ninveh
were saved, Jonah was angry at G-d for forgiving them. He went outside
the city and sat down, waiting to see what would happen next. It was very
hot and soon Jonah fell asleep. To protect him, G-d made a gourd grow
by his side. It was a plant with very large leaves that provided a lot
of shade. When Jonah awoke, he was very happy to see the new plant. That
night, however, G-d sent a worm to eat away at the plant until all its
leaves were gone. When Jonah saw what happened to the plant the next morning,
he was angered.
Then Jonah heard the voice of G-d: ''Jonah, you have
pity for a plant for which you have not labored. It grew up in one night,
and disappeared in one night. Yet you have no pity for the thousands of
people in Ninveh and their cattle, and you are angry at me for saving
Jonah understood his mistake: It's not up to him or anyone
else to decide who is worthy of forgiveness.
When you compare Jonah's behavior with that of Moses,
who pleaded with G-d to forgive the Jewish people, you realize how very
different these heroes were. Read on....
The Sin of the Golden Calf
One cannot discuss Yom Kippur and forgiveness without
mentioning the sin of the golden calf. Without this landmark event in
the history of the Jewish people, there might not be a Yom Kippur.
We all know this story. Moses is up on Mt. Sinai receiving
the Aseret H'adibrot, the ten commandments, the children of Israel grow
restless. They beseech Aaron, Moses' older brother, to fashion a god for
them to worship. Moses returns, sees the golden calf and the people dancing
in religious frenzy, and breaks the tablets in anger.
G-d is also angry and tells Moses he is ready to destroy
them. But unlike Jonah, Moses pleads on their behalf. He is the people's
strongest advocate. He doesn't run away or agree with G-d about their
unworthiness. Instead, he pleads for the children of Israel to be granted
one more chance.
That was the first Yom Kippur. And what Yom Kippur teaches
us, is that at any time, not just the tenth of Tishri, we can observe
our own Day of Atonement. Everyone is worthy of forgiveness. It is not
up to Jonah, or your neighbor to decide. To be a proper servant of G-d,
you must have compassion for others.
Jonah had no compassion. He did not believe the Ninevites
repentance was real. He believed in strict, unmitigated justice. We must
not be like Jonah. On Yom Kippur, there is a tradition of asking one's
friend or neighbor for mechilah, meaning forgiveness, for any wrong you
may have committed. Our sages tell us, if you don't forgive your friend,
you can't expect forgiveness from G-d.