The 365 Negative
Commandments |
Mitzvah |
Lesson # |
1 - Believing in or ascribing any deity to any but Him |
5 |
2 - Making images for the purpose of worship |
13 |
3 - Making an idol (even for others) to worship |
13 |
4 - Making figures of human beings |
13 |
5 - Bowing down to an idol |
13 |
6 - Worshipping idols |
13 |
7 - Handing over some of our offspring to Molech |
14 |
8 - Practicing the sorcery of the ove |
14 |
9 - Practicing the sorcery of the yidde'oni |
14 |
10 - Studying idolatrous practices |
13 |
11 - Erecting a pillar which people will assemble to honor |
15 |
12 - Making figured stones upon which to prostrate ourselves |
15 |
13 - Planting trees in the Sanctuary |
15 |
14 - Swearing by an idol |
14 |
15 - Diverting people to idolatry |
13 |
16 - Seeking to persuade an Israelite to worship idols |
14 |
17 - Loving the person who seeks to mislead him into idolatry |
14 |
18 - Relaxing one's aversion to the misleader |
14 |
19 - Saving the life of the misleader |
14 |
20 - Pleading for the misleader |
14 |
21 - Oppressing evidence which is unfavorable to the misleader |
14 |
22 - Benefiting from ornaments which have adorned an idol |
15 |
23 - Rebuilding an apostate city |
13 |
24 - Deriving benefit from the property of an apostate city |
13 |
25 - Increasing our wealth from anything connected with idolatry |
15 |
26 - Prophesying in the name of an idol |
14 |
27 - Prophesying falsely |
14 |
28 - Listening to the prophecy of one who prophesies in the
name of an idol |
14 |
29 - Refraining from a killing, or being afraid of, a false
prophet |
14 |
30 - Adopting the habits and customs of unbelievers |
15 |
31 - Practicing divination |
15 |
32 - Regulating our conduct by the stars |
15 |
33 - Practicing the art of the soothsayer |
15 |
34 - Practicing sorcery |
16 |
35 - Practicing the art of the charmer |
16 |
36 - Consulting a necromancer who uses the ove |
16 |
37 - Consulting a sorcerer who uses the yido'a |
16 |
38 - Seeking information from the dead |
16 |
39 - Women wearing men's clothes or adornments |
16 |
40 - Men wearing women's clothes or adornments |
16 |
41 - Imprinting any marks upon our bodies |
16 |
42 - Wearing Shatnes (a garment of wool and linen) |
122 |
43 - Shaving the temples of the head |
16 |
44 - Shaving the beard |
16 |
45 - Making cuttings in our flesh |
16 |
46 - Settling in the land of Egypt |
338 |
47 - Following one's heart and eyes |
13 |
48 - Making a covenant with the Seven Nations of Canaan |
15 |
49 - Sparing a life of the Seven Nations |
337 |
50 - Showing mercy to idolaters |
15 |
51 - Allowing idolaters to settle in our land |
15 |
52 - Intermarrying with heretics |
92 |
53 - Intermarrying with a male Ammonite and Moabite |
92 |
54 - Excluding descendants of Esav |
92 |
55 - Excluding descendants of Egyptians |
92 |
56 - Offering peace to Ammon and Moav |
338 |
57 - Destroying fruit-trees during a siege |
338 |
58 - Fearing the heretics in time of war |
339 |
59 - Forgetting what Amalek did to us |
337 |
60 - Blaspheming the Great Name |
13 |
61 - Violating a shevuas bittui (oath of utterance) |
105 |
62 - Swearing a shevuas shav (vain oath) |
106 |
63 - Profaning the Name of G-d |
7 |
64 - Testing His promises and warnings |
8 |
65 - Breaking down houses of worship or destroying holy books |
7 |
66 - Leaving the body of a criminal hanging overnight after
execution |
315 |
67 - Interrupting the watch over the Sanctuary |
150 |
68 - The High Priest entering the Sanctuary at any but the
prescribed time |
154 |
69 - A Priest with a blemish entering the Sanctuary from
the Altar inwards |
155 |
70 - A Priest with a blemish ministering in the Sanctuary |
155 |
71 - A Priest with a temporary blemish ministering
in the
Sanctuary |
155 |
72 - The Levites and Priests performing each other's allotted
services |
152 |
73 - Entering the Sanctuary or giving a decision
on Torah law
while intoxicated |
153 |
74 - A zar (stranger) ministering in the Sanctuary |
156 |
75 - An unclean Priest ministering in the Sanctuary |
155 |
76 - A Priest who is a tevul yom ministering in the Sanctuary |
155 |
77 - Any unclean person entering any part of the Sanctuary |
154 |
78 - Any unclean person entering the camp of the Levites |
154 |
79 - Building an Altar of stones which have been touched
by iron |
148 |
80 - Ascending the Altar by steps |
148 |
81 - Extinguishing the Altar Fire |
165 |
82 - Offering any sacrifice whatever on the Golden Altar |
151 |
83 - Making oil like the Oil of Anointment |
150 |
84 - Anointing any one except the High Priests and Kings
with the Oil of Anointment prepared by Moshe |
150 |
85 - Making incense like that used in the Sanctuary |
151 |
86 - Removing the staves from their rings in the Ark |
151 |
87 - Removing the Breastplate from the Ephod |
153 |
88 - Tearing the edge of the High Priest's robe |
153 |
89 - Offering sacrifices outside the Sanctuary Court |
165 |
90 - Slaughtering holy offerings outside the Sanctuary Court |
164 |
91 - Dedicating blemished animals to be offered upon the
Altar |
156 |
92 - Slaughtering blemished animals as a korban |
156 |
93 - Dashing the blood of blemished beasts upon the Altar |
156 |
94 - Burning the sacrificial portions of a blemished
beast upon
the Altar |
157 |
95 - Sacrificing a beast with a temporary blemish |
157 |
96 - Offering blemished sacrifices of a gentile |
157 |
97 - Causing an offering to become blemished |
157 |
98 - Offering leaven or honey upon the Altar |
158 |
99 - Offering a sacrifice without salt |
158 |
100 - Offering on the Altar the "hire of a harlot"
or the "price
of a dog" |
158 |
101 - Slaughtering the mother and her young on the same day |
101 |
102 - Putting olive oil on the meal-offering of a sinner |
162 |
103 - Putting frankincense with the meal-offering of a sinner |
162 |
104 - Mingling olive oil with the meal-offering of a suspected
adulteress |
86 |
105 - Putting frankincense on the meal-offering of a suspected
adulteress |
87 |
106 - Changing a beast that has been consecrated as a offering |
193 |
107 - Changing one holy offering for another |
194 |
108 - Redeeming the firstling of a clean beast |
184 |
109 - Selling the tithe of cattle |
186 |
110 - Selling devoted property |
118 |
111 - Redeeming devoted land without any specific statement
of purpose |
119 |
112 - Severing the head of the bird of a Sin-offering during
melikah |
160 |
113 - Doing any work with a dedicated beast |
177 |
114 - Shearing a dedicated beast |
178,179 |
115 - Slaughtering the Pesach offering while Chometz remains
in our possession |
179 |
116 - Leaving the sacrificial portions of the Pesach offering
overnight |
179 |
117 - Allowing any of the meat of the Pesach offering to
remain until morning |
182 |
118 - Allowing any of the meat of the Festival offering of
the fourteenth of Nissan to remain until the third day |
182 |
119 - Allowing any of the meat of the Pesach Sheni offering
to remain until morning |
182 |
120 - Allowing any of the meat of the thank-offering to remain
until morning |
170 |
121 - Breaking any of the bones of the Pesach offering |
181 |
122 - Breaking any of the bones of the Pesach Sheni offering |
181 |
123 - Removing the Pesach offering from where it is eaten |
181 |
124 - Baking the residue of a meal-offering with leaven |
163 |
125 - Eating the Pesach offering boiled or raw |
181 |
126 - Allowing a ger toshav to eat the Pesach offering |
181 |
127 - An uncircumcised person eating the Pesach offering |
181 |
128 - Allowing an apostate Israelite to eat the Pesach offering |
181 |
129 - An unclean person eating hallowed food |
172 |
130 - Eating meat of consecrated offerings which have become
unclean |
172 |
131 - Eating nosar (beyond allotted time) |
171 |
132 - Eating piggul (improper intentions) |
169 |
133 - A zar eating terumah |
128 |
134 - A Priest's tenant or hired servant eating terumah |
128 |
135 - An uncircumcised Priest eating terumah |
129 |
136 - An unclean Priest eating terumah |
129 |
137 - A chalalah eating holy food |
130 |
138 - Eating the meal-offering of a Priest |
162 |
139 - Eating meat of Sin-offerings whose blood has
brought within the Sanctuary |
160 |
140 - Eating the invalidated consecrated offerings |
168 |
141 - Eating the unredeemed second tithe of corn outside
Yerushalayim |
137 |
142 - Consuming the unredeemed second tithe of wine outside
Yerushalayim |
137 |
143 - Consuming the unredeemed second tithe of oil outside
Yerushalayim |
137 |
144 - Eating an unblemished firstling outside Yerushalayim |
184 |
145 - Eating the sin-offering and the guilt-offering outside
the Sanctuary Court |
161 |
146 - Eating the meat of a burnt-offering |
159 |
147 - Eating lesser holy offerings before dashing their blood
on the Altar |
162 |
148 - A zar eating the most holy offerings |
140 |
149 - A Priest eating first-fruits outside Yerushalayim |
161 |
150 - Eating an unredeemed unclean second tithe, even in
Yerushalayim |
136 |
151 - Eating the second tithe during mourning |
136 |
152 - Spending the redemption money of the second
except on food and drink |
135 |
153 - Eating tevel (produce from which the heave-offering
and tithes were not taken) |
100 |
154 - Altering the prescribed order of harvest tithing |
127 |
155 - Delaying payment of vows |
163 |
156 - Appearing in Sanctuary on a festival without a sacrifice |
183 |
157 - Infringing any oral obligation, even if undertaken
an oath |
111 |
158 - A Priest marrying a zonah |
93 |
159 - A Priest marrying a chalalah |
93 |
160 - A Priest marrying a divorced woman |
93 |
161 - A High Priest marrying a widow |
93 |
162 - A High Priest having intercourse with a widow |
93 |
163 - Priests with disheveled hair entering the Sanctuary |
153 |
164 - Priests wearing rent garments entering the Sanctuary |
153 |
165 - Ministering Priests leaving the Sanctuary |
154 |
166 - A common priest defiling himself for any dead person
except those prescribed in Scripture |
334,335 |
167 - A High Priest being under one roof with a dead body |
333 |
168 - A High Priest defiling himself for any dead person |
332 |
169 - Levites taking a portion in the Land |
147 |
170 - Levites sharing in the spoil on the conquest of the
Land |
147 |
171 - Tearing out our hair for the dead |
16 |
172 - Eating any unclean animal |
95 |
173 - Eating any unclean fish |
96 |
174 - Eating any unclean fowl |
95 |
175 - Eating any swarming winged insect |
96 |
176 - Eating anything which swarms upon the earth |
96 |
177 - Eating any creeping thing that breeds in decayed matter |
96 |
178 - Eating living creatures that breed in seeds or fruit |
96 |
179 - Eating any swarming thing |
97 |
180 - Eating an animal which is a nevelah |
97 |
181 - Eating an animal which is a terefah |
98 |
182 - Eating a limb of a living creature |
98 |
183 - Eating the gid hanasheh (sinew of thigh-vein |
98 |
184 - Eating blood |
98 |
185 - Eating the fat of a clean animal |
98 |
186 - Cooking meat in milk |
99 |
187 - Eating meat cooked in milk |
99 |
188 - Eating the flesh of a stoned ox |
97 |
189 - Eating bread made from the grain of the new crop |
99 |
190 - Eating roasted grain of the new crop |
99 |
191 - Eating fresh ears of grain |
99 |
192 - Eating orlah |
99 |
193 - Eating kilai hakerem |
100 |
194 - Drinking yain nesech (libation-wine used for idol worship) |
100 |
195 - Excessive eating and drinking |
331 |
196 - Eating on Yom Kippur |
50 |
197 - Eating chometz during Pesach |
54 |
198 - Eating an admixture of chometz during Pesach |
54 |
199 - Eating chametz after the middle of the fourteenth
Nissan |
53 |
200 - Chametz being seen in our habitations during Pesach |
55 |
201 - Possessing chametz during Pesach |
55 |
202 - A Nazir drinking wine |
114 |
203 - A Nazir eating fresh grapes |
114 |
204 - A Nazir eating dried grapes |
114 |
205 - A Nazir eating the kernels of grapes |
115 |
206 - A Nazir eating the husks of grapes |
115 |
207 - A Nazir rending himself unclean for the dead |
115 |
208 - A Nazir rending himself unclean by entering a house
containing a corpse |
115 |
209 - A Nazir shaving |
113 |
210 - Reaping all the harvest without leaving a corner
for the
poor |
122 |
211 - Gathering ears of corn that fell during the harvest |
123 |
212 - Gathering the whole produce of the vineyard
at vintage
time |
123 |
213 - Gathering single fallen grapes during the vintage |
124 |
214 - Returning for a forgotten sheaf |
124 |
215 - Sowing kilayim (diverse kinds of seed in one field) |
119 |
216 - Sowing grain or vegetables in a vineyard |
120 |
217 - Making animals of different species |
121 |
218 - Working with two different kinds of animals together |
121 |
219 - Preventing a beast from eating of the produce
which it is working |
292 |
220 - Cultivating the soil in the seventh year |
143 |
221 - Pruning trees in the seventh year |
143 |
222 - Reaping a self-grown plant in the seventh year as in
an ordinary year |
143 |
223 - Gathering a self-grown fruit in the seventh year as
in an ordinary year |
144 |
224 - Cultivating the soil in the Jubilee year |
145 |
225 - Reaping the aftergrowths of the Jubilee year as in
an ordinary year |
145 |
226 - Gathering fruit in the Jubilee year as in an ordinary
year |
145 |
227 - Selling our holdings in Eretz Yisrael in perpetuity |
146 |
228 - Selling the open lands of the Levites |
147 |
229 - Forsaking the Levites |
183 |
230 - Demanding the payment of debts after the Sabbatical
year |
144 |
231 - Withholding a loan to be canceled by the Sabbatical
year |
144 |
232 - Failing to give charity to our needy brethren |
125 |
233 - Sending away a Hebrew bondman empty-handed |
286 |
234 - Demanding payment from a debtor known to be unable
to pay |
295 |
235 - Lending at interest |
300 |
236 - Borrowing at interest |
301 |
237 - Participating in a loan at interest |
302 |
238 - Oppressing an employee by delaying payment
of his
wages |
289 |
239 - Taking a pledge from a debtor by force |
297 |
240 - Keeping a needed pledge from its owner |
298 |
241 - Taking a pledge from a widow |
299 |
242 - Taking in pledge food utensils |
299 |
243 - Abducting an Israelite |
249 |
244 - Stealing money |
247 |
245 - Committing robbery |
250 |
246 - Fraudulently altering land boundaries |
249 |
247 - Usurping our debts |
251 |
248 - Repudiating our debts |
107 |
249 - Swearing falsely in repudiating a debt |
107 |
250 - Wronging one another in business |
265,266 |
251 - Wronging one another by speech |
267,268 |
252 - Wronging a proselyte by speech |
271,272 |
253 - Wronging a proselyte in business |
269,270 |
254 - Handing over a fugitive bondman |
287 |
255 - Wronging a fugitive bondman |
287 |
256 - Dealing harshly with orphans and widows |
10 |
257 - Employing a Hebrew bondman in degrading tasks |
285 |
258 - Selling a Hebrew bondman by public auction |
285 |
259 - Having a Hebrew bondman do unnecessary work |
285 |
260 - Allowing the maltreatment of a Hebrew bondman by a
heathen |
285 |
261 - Selling a Hebrew bondmaid |
286 |
262 - Afflicting one's espoused Hebrew bondmaid by diminishing
food, raiment or conjugal rights; similar law applies to one's wife |
74,75 |
263 - Selling a captive woman |
339 |
264 - Enslaving a captive woman |
339 |
265 - Planning to acquire another's property |
252 |
266 - Coveting another's belongings |
253 |
267 - A hired laborer eating growing crops |
291 |
268 - A hired laborer putting of the harvest in his own vessel |
291 |
269 - Ignoring lost property |
255 |
270 - Leaving a trapped person without assisting him with
his burden |
262 |
271 - Cheating in measurements and weights |
248 |
272 - Keeping false weights and measures |
248 |
273 - A judge committing unrighteousness |
318 |
274 - A judge accepting gifts from litigants |
319 |
275 - A judge favoring a litigant |
318 |
276 - A judge being deterred by fear of a wicked person from
giving a just judgment |
319 |
277 - A judge deciding in favor of a poor man through pity |
318 |
278 - A judge perverting judgment against a person of evil
repute |
318 |
279 - A judge pitying one who has slain a man or caused the
loss of a limb |
318 |
280 - A judge perverting the justice due to proselytes or
orphans |
319 |
281 - A judge listening to one of the litigants in the absence
of another |
320 |
282 - A court convicting in a capital case by a majority
of one |
314 |
283 - A judge relying on the opinion of a fellow judge; arguing
for conviction after favoring acquittal |
314 |
284 - Appointing an unlearned judge |
313 |
285 - Bearing false witness |
327 |
286 - A judge receiving a wicked man's testimony |
325 |
287 - A judge receiving testimony from a litigant's relative |
326 |
288 - Convicting on the testimony of a single witness |
324 |
289 - Killing a human being |
258 |
290 - Capital punishment based on circumstantial evidence |
317 |
291 - A witness acting as an advocate |
323 |
292 - Killing a murderer without a trial |
259 |
293 - Sparing the life of a pursuer |
260 |
294 - Punishing a person for a sin committed under duress |
317 |
295 - Accepting ransom from one who has committed murder
unwittingly |
258 |
296 - Accepting ransom from one who has committed willful
murder |
259 |
297 - Neglecting to save an Israelite in danger of his life |
260 |
298 - Leaving obstacles on public or private domain |
261 |
299 - Giving misleading advice |
262 |
300 - Inflicting excessive corporal punishment |
316 |
301 - Bearing tales |
10 |
302 - Hating one another |
9 |
303 - Putting one to shame |
9 |
304 - Taking vengeance on one another |
10 |
305 - Bearing a grudge |
10 |
306 - Taking the entire bird's nest (mother and young) |
103 |
307 - Shaving the scull |
208 |
308 - Cutting or cauterizing signs of leprosy |
208 |
309 - Ploughing a valley in which the rite of eglah
arufah has
been performed |
261 |
310 - Permitting a sorcerer to live |
316 |
311 - Taking a bridegroom away from his home during
year |
339 |
312 - Differing from traditional authorities |
329 |
313 - Adding to the Written or Oral Law |
329 |
314 - Detracting from the Written or Oral Law |
329 |
315 - Cursing a judge |
320 |
316 - Cursing a ruler |
320 |
317 - Cursing any Israelite |
321 |
318 - Cursing parents |
330 |
319 - Smiting parents |
330 |
320 - Working on Shabbos |
39,40,48 |
321 - Going beyond city limits on Shabbos |
43,44,49 |
322 - Punishing on Shabbos |
41,42 |
323 - Working on the first day of Pesach |
51 |
324 - Working on the seventh day of Pesach |
51 |
325 - Working on Atzeres |
52 |
326 - Working on Rosh HaShanah |
52 |
327 - Working on the first day of Sukkos |
53 |
328 - Working on Shemini Atzeres |
53 |
329 - Working on Yom Kippur |
50 |
330 - Having relations with one's mother |
87 |
331 - Having relations with one's father's wife |
87 |
332 - Having relations with one's sister |
87 |
333 - Having relations with the daughter of one's father's
wife if she be his sister |
87 |
334 - Having relations with one's son's daughter |
87 |
335 - Having relations with one's daughter's daughter |
88 |
336 - Having relations with one's daughter |
88 |
337 - Having relations with a woman and her daughter |
88 |
338 - Having relations with a woman and her son's daughter |
88 |
339 - Having relations with a woman and her daughter's
daughter |
88 |
340 - Having relations with one's father's sister |
89 |
341 - Having relations with one's mother's sister |
89 |
342 - Having relations with the wife of one's father's brother |
89 |
343 - Having relations with one's son's wife |
89 |
344 - Having relations with a brother's wife |
89 |
345 - Having relations with a sister of his wife during the
latter's lifetime |
89 |
346 - Having relations with a menstruant |
91 |
347 - Having relations with another man's wife |
91 |
348 - Men lying with beasts |
90 |
349 - Women lying with beasts |
90 |
350 - A man lying carnally with a male |
90 |
351 - A man lying carnally with his father |
90 |
352 - A man lying carnally with his father's brother |
91 |
353 - Intimacy with a kinswoman |
94 |
354 - A mamzer having relations with a Jewish Woman |
92 |
355 - Having relations with a woman without marriage |
71,72,73 |
356 - Re-marrying one's divorced wife after she has remarried |
80,81,82 |
357 - Having relations with a woman subject to Levirate marriage |
84 |
358 - Divorcing a woman he has raped and been compelled to
marry |
85 |
359 - Divorcing a woman after having falsely brought
an evil
name upon her |
85 |
360 - A man incapable of procreation marrying a Jewish
Woman |
92 |
361 - Castration of man or beast |
92 |
362 - Appointing a king not born an Israelite |
336 |
363 - A king owning many horses |
336 |
364 - A king taking many wives |
336 |
365 - A king amassing great personal wealth |
336 |