<%@LANGUAGE="VBSCRIPT"%> <% ' *** Edit Operations: declare variables MM_editAction = CStr(Request("URL")) If (Request.QueryString <> "") Then MM_editAction = MM_editAction & "?" & Request.QueryString End If ' boolean to abort record edit MM_abortEdit = false ' query string to execute MM_editQuery = "" %> <% ' *** Insert Record: set variables If (CStr(Request("MM_insert")) <> "") Then MM_editConnection = MM_conForum_STRING MM_editTable = "forum1" MM_editRedirectUrl = "thankyou.asp" MM_fieldsStr = "responder|value|email|value|message|value|parentID|value" MM_columnsStr = "responder|',none,''|email|',none,''|message|',none,''|parentID|none,none,NULL" ' create the MM_fields and MM_columns arrays MM_fields = Split(MM_fieldsStr, "|") MM_columns = Split(MM_columnsStr, "|") ' set the form values For i = LBound(MM_fields) To UBound(MM_fields) Step 2 MM_fields(i+1) = CStr(Request.Form(MM_fields(i))) Next ' append the query string to the redirect URL If (MM_editRedirectUrl <> "" And Request.QueryString <> "") Then If (InStr(1, MM_editRedirectUrl, "?", vbTextCompare) = 0 And Request.QueryString <> "") Then MM_editRedirectUrl = MM_editRedirectUrl & "?" & Request.QueryString Else MM_editRedirectUrl = MM_editRedirectUrl & "&" & Request.QueryString End If End If End If %> <% ' *** Insert Record: construct a sql insert statement and execute it If (CStr(Request("MM_insert")) <> "") Then ' create the sql insert statement MM_tableValues = "" MM_dbValues = "" For i = LBound(MM_fields) To UBound(MM_fields) Step 2 FormVal = MM_fields(i+1) MM_typeArray = Split(MM_columns(i+1),",") Delim = MM_typeArray(0) If (Delim = "none") Then Delim = "" AltVal = MM_typeArray(1) If (AltVal = "none") Then AltVal = "" EmptyVal = MM_typeArray(2) If (EmptyVal = "none") Then EmptyVal = "" If (FormVal = "") Then FormVal = EmptyVal Else If (AltVal <> "") Then FormVal = AltVal ElseIf (Delim = "'") Then ' escape quotes FormVal = "'" & Replace(FormVal,"'","''") & "'" Else FormVal = Delim + FormVal + Delim End If End If If (i <> LBound(MM_fields)) Then MM_tableValues = MM_tableValues & "," MM_dbValues = MM_dbValues & "," End if MM_tableValues = MM_tableValues & MM_columns(i) MM_dbValues = MM_dbValues & FormVal Next MM_editQuery = "insert into " & MM_editTable & " (" & MM_tableValues & ") values (" & MM_dbValues & ")" If (Not MM_abortEdit) Then ' execute the insert Set MM_editCmd = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Command") MM_editCmd.ActiveConnection = MM_editConnection MM_editCmd.CommandText = MM_editQuery MM_editCmd.Execute MM_editCmd.ActiveConnection.Close If (MM_editRedirectUrl <> "") Then Response.Redirect(MM_editRedirectUrl) End If End If End If %> <% Dim rsReply1__MMColParam rsReply1__MMColParam = "1" if (Request.QueryString("ID") <> "") then rsReply1__MMColParam = Request.QueryString("ID") %> <% set rsReply1 = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") rsReply1.ActiveConnection = MM_conForum_STRING rsReply1.Source = "SELECT * FROM forum1 WHERE ID = " + Replace(rsReply1__MMColParam, "'", "''") + "" rsReply1.CursorType = 0 rsReply1.CursorLocation = 2 rsReply1.LockType = 3 rsReply1.Open() rsReply1_numRows = 0 %> <% Dim rsReply2__MMColParam rsReply2__MMColParam = "1" if (Request.QueryString("ID") <> "") then rsReply2__MMColParam = Request.QueryString("ID") %> <% set rsReply2 = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") rsReply2.ActiveConnection = MM_conForum_STRING rsReply2.Source = "SELECT * FROM forum1 WHERE parentID = " + Replace(rsReply2__MMColParam, "'", "''") + " ORDER BY parentID DESC" rsReply2.CursorType = 0 rsReply2.CursorLocation = 2 rsReply2.LockType = 3 rsReply2.Open() rsReply2_numRows = 0 %> <% Dim Repeat1__numRows Repeat1__numRows = -1 Dim Repeat1__index Repeat1__index = 0 rsReply2_numRows = rsReply2_numRows + Repeat1__numRows %> Forum - Replies
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Author Subject: <%= Server.HTMLEncode((rsReply1.Fields.Item("subject").Value)) %>
"><%= Server.HTMLEncode((rsReply1.Fields.Item("author").Value)) %> <%= Server.HTMLEncode((rsReply1.Fields.Item("message").Value)) %>
Author Reply Date
<% If Not rsReply2.EOF Or Not rsReply2.BOF Then %> <% While ((Repeat1__numRows <> 0) AND (NOT rsReply2.EOF)) %> <% Repeat1__index=Repeat1__index+1 Repeat1__numRows=Repeat1__numRows-1 rsReply2.MoveNext() Wend %>
"><%= Server.HTMLEncode((rsReply2.Fields.Item("responder").Value)) %> <%= Server.HTMLEncode((rsReply2.Fields.Item("message").Value)) %> <%= DoDateTime((rsReply2.Fields.Item("datestamp").Value), 0, -1) %>
<% End If ' end Not rsReply2.EOF Or NOT rsReply2.BOF %>

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<% rsReply1.Close() %> <% rsReply2.Close() %>