Travel - Airline Websites
We have listings for over 300 Airline Web sites Worldwide:
United States/Canada:



Europe / Russia:

Latin/South America:

Middle East:

Selected Web Sites:

Global Business Consulting
Airline websites for all major airlines in the world. Our goal is to keep our clients ahead of their competition and to create lasting relationships. We are committed to our clients' success.

The Airline Codes Website
Airlines of the World Web Site Links. Now with 1385 Airline Web Sites Listed.

Senior Citizens
An extensive list of airline web sites worldwide, contact numbers, airline configurations...etc.

The Federal Aviation Administration
FAA provides a safe, secure, and efficient global aerospace system that contributes to national security and the promotion of US aerospace safety. FAA is responsive to the dynamic nature of customer needs, economic conditions, and environmental concerns.

Know World
You probably will recognize quite a few more than you realize, but there will be many you have never heard of. At least if an odd name crops up on a connecting flight you'll be able to learn a bit about it before booking.