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European Literature Electronic Texts (Virginia) Extensive catalogue of Western European literature. Postcolonial and Postimperial Literature: An Overview (Brown) An extensive collection of information on postcolonial literature and theory. Very impressive. Western European Specialists (Virginia) Big meta-index on Western European literature and culture. Aurora Australis A guide to contemporary Australian literature, including Peter Carey, Helen Garner, Elizabeth Jolley, Robert Drewe, Marion Halligan, Robert Dessaix, Brian Castro, Carmel Bird, Richard Flanagan, David Foster, Marele Day, Delia Falconer, and Roberta Sykes. Australian Studies An extensive site on Australian literature. A section on "Research" may be useful to students. Replaces the old OzLit. Larrikin's Lair: Australian Literature A fan's attempt to increase the visibilty of serious Australian authors. Canadian Association for Commonwealth Literature and Language Studies (CACLALS) Information on the Association and some links. Canadian Bound Information on contemporary Canadian authors, with links to events, readings, awards, journals, and so on. The Canadian Literature Archive (Manitoba) An extensive "repository for information about Canadian writers, Canadian novelists, Canadian poets, Canadian playwrights, Canadian essayists, Canadian literary organizations, Canadian magazines, Canadian publications, Canadian books, Canadian texts and Canadian library archives." Canadian Literature Research Service (National Library of Canada) A collection of resources for research into Canadian literature. Canadian Poetry (Univ. of Toronto) A good set of links and texts. Canadian Poetry Archive (National Library of Canada) Selected works of over a hundred Canadian poets since the nineteenth century. Early Canadiana Online/Notre memoire en ligne "A digital library of primary sources in Canadian history from the first European contact to the early 20th century. The collection is particularly strong in the subject areas of literature, women's history, travel and exploration, native studies and the history of French Canada." Very extensive. Northwest Passages Canadian Literature Online An extensive set of links on Canadian literature. dbnl: digitale bibliotheek voor de Nederlandse letteren "The Digital Library of Dutch Literature is a growing collection of primary and secondary information on Dutch language and literature and its historical, societal and cultural context." Dutch literature (Laurens Jansz. Coster) Extensive set of links to information on Dutch authors. The Literature of Finland (Irmeli Niemi) An illustrated hypertext essay on Finnish literature, mostly from the 19th century to the present. The Birth of Finnish Literature (Esko Häkli) Illustrated hypertext essay onFinnish literature from the beginnings to the 17th century. ARTFL Project (Mark Olsen, Chicago) Master index of scholarly French resources on the Web. O si sic omnes! Association des Bibliophiles Universels A collection of French-language electronic texts. Robert Desnos Bibliography, E-texts, links. In French. Irritatingly commercial. Introduction to the Francophone Literature of the Maghreb (Richard Aadnani, Debbie Folardo, and Michael Toler) Good collection of material and links on the literature of Morocco, Algeria, and Tunisia. Tennessee Bob's Famous French Links (UTM) Very good meta-page of French resources, sporting 7,000 links. 19th-century German Lit (Robert Godwin-Jones, VCU) A few hypertext editions of 19th-c. German stories and fairy tales. Dichterhandschriften des Poetischen Realismus: Ortsverzeichnis (Richard Hacken and Marianne Siegmund, BYU) Big collection of links on 19th-c. German authors. Offentliche Vergnugungen in Berlin/1848 A day-by-day catalogue of theatrical performances in Berlin. Irish Literary Sources and Resources (Michael Sundermeier, Creighton) Miscellaneous resources on Irish literature and culture from prehistory through Joyce. IRITH: Irish Resources in the Humanities (Susan Schreibman) "Gateway to sites on the World Wide Web that contain substantial content in the various disciplines of the humanities in the area of Irish Studies. As a rule, commercial sites are not linked." Views of the Famine (Steve Taylor, Vassar) Illustrated contemporary materials on the Great Famine. Antologia (frammentaria) della Letteratura Italiana HTML-encoded texts from a few dozen Italian authors. Opera del Vocabolario Italiano (Chicago) Searchable database of 1,300 early Italian texts. Free in 1998; a subscription fee will be required later. ARTFL subscribers receive it for no extra charge. Japanese Literature (Mitsuharu Matsuoka, Nagoya Univ., Japan) very extensive list of links on Japanese literature and culture. Japanese Text Initiative (Virginia) "A collaborative effort to make texts of classical Japanese literature available on the World Wide Web." Includes more than a dozen texts. Lithuanian Poetry Poems (in English) by dozens of Lithuanian authors. The Ormulum Project (Norway) A scholarly edition of the Ormulum. Luso-Brasilian Literature and Culture (Niedja Fedrigo, Michigan) A very extensive link collection. American Association of Teachers of Slavic and East European Languages (Pitt) Includes links on Croatian, Polish, Russian, Ukranian, Czech, and Serbian literature. Polish Literature in English Translation (Constance J. Ostrowski) A friendly catalogue of works available on the Web and in print. Polish Writing Polish Literature in English "An index of Polish writing available in English, giving extracts of key works and providing an overview of this exciting area of world literature." Tolstoy Library Includes biographies, E-texts, and several critical essays (some old enough to be out of copyright). Danske digtere i det 20. århundrede (Odense Universitet) Extensive archive of biographical information on 20th-c. Danish poets. In Danish. Project Runeberg (Sweden) An extensive and long-running archive of Nordic literature, and the best starting point for any Web research in the field. Theodor Storm and His World A comprehensive site on the North Frisian poet and novelist (1817-1888), including a biography, chronology, bibliographies, and information on his life in North Friesland. ASLS: Association for Scottish Literary Studies "The Association ... aims to promote the study, teaching and writing of Scottish literature, and to further the study of the languages of Scotland." Scottish Writers Project Information on several dozen contemporary Scottish writers. More popular than scholarly. SLAINTE Scottish Authors Information on several dozen Scottish writers. More popular than scholarly. STAR Project STAR is Scotland's Transatlantic Relations. "Its goals are to facilitate links with existing groups in transatlantic studies, to enable connections between researchers and resources, and to engage in active identification of research projects and publishing ventures." COMEDIA Homepage: Association for Hispanic Classical Theater (Arizona) Clearinghouse for information on classic-age Spanish theatre. Internetaleph.com: La vida y la obra de Jorge Luis Borges (Martin Hadas) A guide to Borges's life and works in English and Spanish. Includes links to other Internet resources. Literatura Argentina Contemporánea (Ernesto Resnik, Elena Achával, and Eduardo Tabacman) Very stylish guide to modern Argentinian literature. Literature in Latin America LANIC (Texas) Partially annotated link collection. PhiloBiblon (Berkeley) "A project to construct a bio-bibliographical database of early texts produced in the Iberian Peninsula." Wilson Harris (Hena Maes-Jelinek) Biography and very extensive bibliography of the Guyanese author. Turkish Poetry Home Page (UMD) Miscellaneous resources on Turkish poetry, some translated, some not. Welsh Authors (Chris Grooms, CCCCD) A few dozen Welsh texts, heavily annotated for those learning the language. Books by and about South Asian Women (UMD) Suggested readings, with lists of primary texts. SASIALIT: Literature of South Asia and the Indian Diaspora (Rice) Information on the mailing list.
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