Bibliomania A big collection of on-line texts, including some study guides. CETH Home Page (Rutgers)Information on the Center for Electronic Texts in the Humanities. The Electronic Text Center (Virginia)A massive library of on-line texts. HTI Resources (Michigan)Resources from the Humanities Text Initiative. Michigan Early Modern English Materials (Virginia)Extensive corpus of early modern literature mostly for lexicographical analysis. Modern English Collection (Michigan)Extensive corpus of English literature since 1500. The New BartlebyOnce an extensive archive of electronic texts at Columbia; now independent. Oxford Text ArchiveA venerable archive of reliable texts, but many of them must be requested from Oxford through hard copy. PS Electronic Text Center (Penn State)A good collection of major E-text resources. Renascence Editions (Richard Bear, Univ. of Oregon)A small but smartly chosen set of well-edited electronic texts, focusing especially on early modern literature. E'clat: The Essential Comparative Literature And Theory site (Penn)Major index to comparative literature resources. BCLA (British Comparative Literature Association)Information on the Association. British Library Public Catalogue The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, Third Edition (1996)Full text on-line. A Web of On-line Dictionaries (Robert Beard, Bucknell)"This website indexes on-line dictionaries, thesauri, and such like containing words and phrases. Preference in selection has been given to free online dictionaries of high quality. However, downloadable and subscription materials are listed if exceptionally rare and/or unusually well-executed." Dazzling. Bartlett's Familiar Quotations (Columbia)Hypertext of the 1901 edition. Find a Quotation (Alexander Grant)Coordinates searches for quotations in fifteen likely databases. Concordances of Great BooksSearchable concordances of several hundred texts. The Web Concordances (Dundee)Big resource on concordances. The Dictionary of Phrase and FableHypertext of the 1894 edition. Biographical DictionaryVery brief entries on 27,000 figures. Voice of the Shuttle ¡X CensorshipThe best large index of censorship resources. Banned Books On-line (Penn)A good exhibit of banned books. Censored: Wielding the Red Pen (Univ. of Virginia)An exhibition on censorship. The File Room Censorship Archive Home PageA very fine site on censorship, including a big archive of examples sorted by date, location, grounds for censorship, and medium. Freedom of Press (Ralph McCoy, Southern Illinois Univ. at Carbondale)A large annotated bibliography on censorship. Caveat Lecteur Poetry ArchiveMiscellaneous poetry resources. Einfu"rung in die Gedichtanalyse (Rudolf Brandmeyer, Gerhard-Mercator-Universitu" Duisburg)German-language site on the analysis of poetry. Forgotten Ground Regained: Alliterative Poetry on the Web (Paul Douglas Deane)A guide to historical and contemporary alliterative poetry, with texts and translations of several medieval works. Poetry Here and Then (Michigan)"Introduce[s] new researchers to the principles of humanities research in special collections." Online Poetry Classroom"OPC provides both professional development for high school Language Arts teachers and a virtual teaching community enabling teachers across the country to access free poetry resources online." A valuable set of resources on teaching poetry and on hundreds of American poets, poetry centers and festivals, and "poetry-friendly bookshops." Poetry: Meter, Form, and Rhythm (H. T. Kirby-Smith, UNCG)An extensive guide to prosody, rhyme, and other concepts from poetics. Prose and Verse Criticism of Poetry (Toronto)Primary texts of criticism of poetry from Sidney to Pater. Sonnet Central"An archive of English sonnets, commentary, pictures, and relevant web links." Arranged chronologically and alphabetically. Tetrameter: Four-Footed Verse (Eric Howard)A brief discussion of the meter, with abundant examples and links to other guides to metrics. Versification: An Electronic Journal of Literary ProsodyFull text of the journal, along with a number of resources for the study of poetry. The Traditional Ballad Index (Robert Waltz and David G. Engle)"A collaborative effort designed to help people find reference information on folk ballads." A searchable database provides comprehensive references. Can be used on-line or downloaded. The Word on the Street ¡X Broadsides at the National Library of ScotlandA searchable collection of 1,800 Scottish broadsides from 1650 to 1910. Transcriptions and page images. Aimed at general readers, but also useful for scholars. Children's Literature and Folklore History of Children's Literature (Kay E. Vandergrift, Rutgers)A good overview of research in the field. Children's Literature in the National Art Library (Victoria & Albert Museum)Information on the V&A collection. Little Red Riding Hood Project (USM)"A text and image archive containing sixteen English versions of the fairy tale." The SurLaLune Fairy Tale Pages (Heidi Anne Heiner)Annotated fairy tales, with historical and contextual information and bibliographies on further reading. Not scholarly, but well-informed and clearly written. Experts will find nothing new, but beginners will benefit. The Robin Hood Text Archive (Purdue)Part of a large archive of primary sources on the Robin Hood legend. Children's Books On LineFacsimiles of 19th- and 20th-c. children's books. The Robin Hood Project (Univ. of Rochester)An extensive archive of texts, images, and bibliographies on the Robin Hood legend. Worth a look. Pulitzer PrizesInformation on the organization and the prizewinners. British Literary PrizesInformation on the major literary prizes, including their winners.