- The British
Book Trade Index (Univ. of Birmingham)
- "An index of the names and brief biographical details
and trade details of people who worked in the book trade in England
and Wales and who were trading by 1851." Admirably scholarly.
- The
Cambridge History of English and American Literature: An Encyclopedia
in Eighteen Volumes (1907-21) (Bartleby)
- Full text of the old history of English literature.
Relevant volumes:
- A
Dictionary of Sensibility (McGann and Spacks, Virginia)
- Class project from a course on "The Novel of Sensibility."
Includes primary and secondary bibliographies along with short essays
serving to define terms such as "benevolence," "character," "virtue,"
"sense," and "imagination." Attractive but graphics-heavy.
Early Dictionaries/Dictionnaires Anciens (Early Dictionary Centre,
Univ. of Toronto)
- Links to a number of early dictionaries in electronic
form. In English and French.
- Eighteenth-Century
Studies (Geoff Sauer, CMU)
- Alphabetical metapage of 18th-c. resources; incomplete,
and has not been updated in a long time.
- Essays
on Epistolary Literature (Ellen Moody)
- A series of original essays on epistolarity, especially
(but not exclusively) in the nineteenth century.
- E-texts
- I now have an up-to-date and nearly comprehensive
list of available on the Internet.
- Ffugiadau
Llenyddol / Litterære Falsknerier / Literary Forgeries (Johan
- Bibliographies, biographies, essays, and links on
a few forgers at the end of the eighteenth century, including Iolo Morganwg
(Edward Williams) and Macpherson. With a handy chronological table of
forgers around 1800. In Norwegian, Welsh (!), and English.
- The
Financial Fiction Genre (Roy Davies, Univ. of Exeter Library)
- Brief discussions of literature from the 17th century
to the present with attention to banking and finance.
- Freedom
of Press (Ralph McCoy, Southern Illinois Univ. at Carbondale)
- A large annotated bibliography on censorship, including
Milton's Areopagitica, Cleland's Fanny Hill, John Wilkes,
Thomas Paine, and others.
- Handwriting
& Script
- A big collection of links on deciphering older hands.
- The
Horatian Voice: Horace, Boileau, Pope (W. C. Dowling, Rutgers)
- A project linking Horace's Ars Poetica, Boileau's
Art poetique, and Pope's Essay on Criticism. Gives very valuable insight
into the 17th- and 18th-c. interpretation and application of one of
the most influential Latin critics.
- Long
s and f
- I've collected a list of words where confusing the
long s (in typography before 1800) with the letter f will
result in a word that will sneak past a spelling-checker.
- Pictures
of the Past The 17th and 18th Centuries in Film (Sabine
- A very fine searchable filmography of movies on the
- The Voice of the Shuttle
- The Voice of the Shuttle, especially the pages
on the Restoration
and Eighteenth Century and Romantics,
is by far the best collection of links.
siècle: bibliographie (Benoît Melançon, Univ.
of Montreal)
- A superb current bibliography of mostly secondary
sources on French literature.
siècle, bibliographie (Bibliothèque nationale du Canada)
- A bibliography of current studies in 18th-c. French-language
- Bibliography
of Regency Romances (Catherine Decker, UCR)
- Publication information on several hundred recent
romance novels set in the Regency.
- Bibliography
of Works on Romantic Drama and British Women Playwrights (British
Women Playwrights around 1800)
- Long enumerative bibliography of scholarship. No annotations.
- Bibliography
on 18th-c. English Studies (Carole Meyers, Emory)
- A list of (mostly) secondary sources on 18th-c. studies.
The works listed are useful, but the selection principle is not clear.
Not annotated.
- c18 Bibliographies
- A growing series of annotated bibliographies on eighteenth-century
authors contributed by specialists, providing guidance on standard editions,
bibliographies, biographies, and criticism.
- Jim May's Bibliographies
- "Recent Sources for 18th-Century Studies," a
superb collection of extensive, scholarly bibliographies by James E.
May of Penn State Dubois. All are extensive and scholarly, with
headnotes and some brief annotations. The current list includes:
- Selected
Readings (Kevin Berland, PSU)
- A series of monthly bibliographies coveringrecent
research in all eighteenth-century areas.
- Women
and Eighteenth-Century English Literature (Martin Maner, Wright
State Univ.)
- A helpful bibliography of bibliographies, anthologies,
journals, and reference sources on 18th-c. English women.
The Novel
- 18th-Century
English Novel Research Guide (WVU)
- A good collection of electronic and print resources
useful in research on the novel. Links to Web resources are good but
not complete.
- The
Novel in Europe, 1670-1730 (Olaf Simons et al.)
- A thorough and scholarly guide to the early novel,
sorted by date and topic, with contemporary maps. Thumbs up.
(Univ. of Leeds)
- A searchable database of 17th- and 18th-century English
- English
Poetry 1780-1910
- Hypertext editions of English poems at Virginia
Very well edited, although the catalogue is very small now.
- Representative
Poetry Database (Toronto)
- Well-edited electronic texts. Start with the index
by dates.
Theatre and
- Restoration
Atalantis A Resource for Literature and the Arts of the Restoration
(Lynn Eckersley)
- A fledgling, but impressive and scholarly, site on
the Restoration, especially the drama. Includes E-texts, a bibliography
(especially strong on feminist criticism) and links.
- Women
Playwrights around 1800 (Thomas C. Crochunis and Michael Eberle-Sinatra,
- An extensive and scholarly archive of Romantic women
dramatists, including E-texts, bibliographies, and original essays.
Requires frames.
- The
World of London Theater, 1660-1800 (Patricia Craddock, Florida)
- A general view of 18th-c. theatre, asseembled by Craddock
and her students. Includes biographies, commentary on works, illustrations,
chronologies, bibliographies, a map of London, &c. A work-in-progress.
- Attributions
of Authorship in The European Magazine, 1782-1826 (Emily
Lorraine de Montluzin; Studies in Bibliography)
- A companion to her similar bibliography for the Gentleman's
Magazine. A searchable list of over 2,000 attributions of anonymous
or pseudonymous contributions to the eighty-nine volumes of the magazine.
Thoroughly scholarly: O si sic omnes!
- Attributions
of Authorship in The Gentleman's Magazine (Emily Lorraine
de Montluzin; Studies in Bibliography)
- Three searchable databases: "An electronic version
of James M. Kuist's The Nichols File of the Gentleman's Magazine,"
"Attributions of authorship in the Gentleman's Magazine, 1731-1868:
A Supplement to Kuist," and "A synthesis of finds appearing neither
in Kuist's Nichols File nor in de Montluzin's A Supplement
to Kuist."
- The
Quarterly Review Project (Jonathan Cutmore)
- Abstracts of all the articles in the QR from
1809 to 1824, along with attributions, bibliographies, and other resources.
O si sic omnes! Down as of 20 October 2002: does anyone
have a new URL?
- Annotated
Bibliography on Augustan Satire (Jack Lynch, Rutgers)
- Coverage of the most important general accounts of
satire in the last half century and some of the most influential treatments
of the two most important early eighteenth-century satirists, Pope and
Swift, especially since the late sixties.
- Theorizing
Satire A Bibliography (Brian A. Connery)
- Connery notes that his bibliography "is not intended
to be exhaustive and does not pretend to be objective. I've tried to
include works which offer general insight into the nature and dynamics
of satire, or its tropes and strategies, or which offer an example of
the application to satire of a theory of reading or interpretation."
Sports several hundred entries, not yet annotated.
The Gothic
- Gothic
Literature (AOL)
- "The Gothic Literature Page is devoted to study of
Gothic Literature which flourished in England from 1764 to 1834. This
site is intended to provide students and scholars of the Gothic novel
access to the growing number of resources available on the web. An introduction
to the Gothic novel, collected summaries, papers, critical and bibliographical
information and related sites are assembled together to expedite research."
Newly reorganized. A good place to start.
- Gothic
Literature: What the Romantic Writers Read (Douglass Thomson, Georgia
Southern Univ.)
- "A list of Gothic works read by the major writers
of the period 1780-1830." Gothic reading lists for Blake, Wordsworth,
Coleridge, Byron, Shelley, and Keats, with evidence that the authors
read the books in question.
- The
Gothic: Materials for Study (McGann and Spacks, Virginia)
- One of two class projects from a course called "The
Novel of Sensibility." Discussions of Gothic psychology, female
Gothic, the supernatural, and Gothic drama. Includes an annotated bibliography
of several dozen secondary items, most published since the seventies.
- The Literary Gothic
- "A Web site for all things concerned with literary
Gothicism, which includes ghost stories, 'classic' Gothic fiction (1764-1820),
and related Gothic, supernaturalist, and 'weird' literature prior to
the mid-twentieth century." Includes links to other Gothic sites, reviews
of books on the Gothic, and a great many links to E-texts. Extensive,
but not always scholarly.
- The
Sickly Taper (Fred Frank, Allegheny College)
- Primary and secondary bibliographies on the Gothic,
with links to other Web sites. Not strictly 18th-c.
Women Writers
See also several of the bibliographies, above.
- Corvey
Women Writers on the Web (Sheffield-Hallam)
- The goal is "to make fully searchable, peer-reviewed
research available to all interested academics, scholars and researchers.
... Focuses on the 1,065 English belles-lettres titles around
3,000 volumes by women authors," 1796-1834. Now just bibliographical
information, no full-text. Still, very extensive, very scholarly.
- The
Bluestocking Archive (Elizabeth Fay, Univ. of Massachusetts, Boston)
- "This archive assumes a deep relation between the
intellectual and social movement of the Bluestockings, the culture and
cult of Sensibility and High Romanticism. It is an archive of texts
by or relating to the eighteenth-century British Bluestocking Circle
and the second generation Blues, including predecessor texts, and literature
of sensibility as it is derived from the Bluestockings' concerns with
aesthetics, and with women's aesthetic achievements."
- The
Other Eighteenth Century: Women's Poetry and the Canon (Patricia
Craddock, Univ. of Florida)
- A course page, with links and original materials for
many women poets, including Behn, Montagu, Carter, Leapor, Mulso (Chapone),
Lennox, Baillie, and Robinson.
- British
Women Romantic Poets, 1789-1832 (BWRP) (Nancy Kushigan)
- A library of electronic texts edited from originals
in the Shields Library, Univ. of California, Davis. Texts are in SGML.
- Works
by Women and Anonymous Writers, 1770-1830, in the Rare Book Collection
of Van Pelt Library, University of Pennsylvania (Judith Pascoe,
Univ. of Iowa)
- A useful index of late-century and Romantic women
authors in one of the best collections of fiction of the period.
- British
Women's Novels (Cathy Decker, UCR)
- Brief annotated guide to some important late-century
and Romantic novels by women.
- Women
Romantic Writers (A. Craciun, Loyola Univ., Chicago)
- Catalogue of electronic texts, cultural and visual
resources, and relevant Web sites.
- Women
of the Romantic Period (Texas)
- "This interactive hypertext uses Richard Polwhele's
poem 'The Unsex'd Females' to introduce students and scholars alike
to some of the British Romantic Period's foremost female contributors."
Heavily glossed text of Polwhele's poem, with biographical material
on the women mentioned in it.
- The Lady's Magazine;
or, Entertaining Companion for the Fair Sex
- Selections from the magazine from the late eighteenth
and early nineteenth centuries.
French Literature
Project (Chicago)
- The Project for American and French Research on the
Treasury of the French Language, a cooperative project of the Institut
National de la Langue Franaise (INaLF) of the Centre National de la
Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) and the Divisions of the Humanities and
Social Sciences of the University of Chicago. A database of nearly 2,000
texts available to subscribers only, and a great many other resources
on French literature.
- The complete text of the Encyclopédie (1751-1772).
Available only to ARTFL subscribers, but absolutely indispensable.
- La
Litterature française du XVIIIe siècle (UTM)
- A big collection of (unannotated) links.
- Textes et
études en français
- Confessions de Rousseau, Châtiments
de Hugo, Spleen de Paris de Baudelaire, Sonnet, Maupassant, and
- Le Théâtre
de la foire à Paris (Barry Russell, Oxford)
- French fairground theatre of the 17th and 18th centuries.
- Calendrier
des spectacles sous Louis XIV, 1659-1715 (Barry Russell)
- An in-progress catalogue of all performances
theatre, opera, ballet in Louisquatorzean France. Very impressive.
- Textes Rares
- A collection of images and transcriptions of rare
French texts from the fifteenth through the nineteenth centuries. Impressive.
- Théâtrales
(André G. Bourassa, UQAM, and Barry Russell, Oxford)
- Extensive information on French theatre.
- Soleinne:
Table des pièces de théâtre décrites dans
la catalogue de la bibliothèque de M. de Soleinne par Charles
Brunet (1914)
- An index to the large collection of early French theatrical
- Enlightened
Discourse: 18th-Century French Writings (David Gatwood, UTM)
- A big but unannotated list of links on 18th-c. French
- Dictionnaire
de l'Académie Française (ARTFL Project, Chicago)
- Several editions of the Dictionnaire (in French).
- Académie
- Information on the Académie: "Since 1999 its
mission consists of contributing to the international development and
the range of influence of Drottningholms Slottsteater and its museum."
Largely concerned with 18th-c. French-Swedish relations. Pages in English,
French, and Swedish.
German Literature
- Projekt Gutenberg
- Several hundred German E-texts in plain text form.
Includes Bürger, Eichendorff, Goethe, the Brothers Grimm, Hölderlin,
Herder, Kant, Klopstock, Kotzebue, Lavater, Leibniz, Lessing, Novalis,
Schiller, the Schlegels, and Tieck. Requires frames.
- Zedler,
Lexikon: Stichwortsuche und Images
- In-progress set of page images from Zedler's Universal-Lexikon
(1732). In German.
- Retrospektive
Digitalisierung wissenschaftlicher Rezensionsorgane und Literaturzeitschriften
des 18. und 19. Jahrhunderts aus dem deutschen Sprachraum
- Page images from sixteen 18th- and 19th-c. German
periodicals. In German.
Italian Literature
- Associazione
di Studi Sismondiani
- Information on the Association in English, French,
and Italian.
Joseph Addison
- The Latin
Prose and Poetry of Joseph Addison: A Hypertext Edition (Dana F.
Sutton, Univ. of California, Irvine)
- An extensive edition of Addion's Latin works.
- The
Spectator Text Project (Center for Electronic Texts in the Humanities,
Rutgers University)
- Text of The Spectator (so far incomplete),
with extensive commentary, contexts, and links to other contemporary
periodicals. Very ambitious.
Jane Austen
- Jane
Austen Info Page (Henry Churchyard)
- The most extensive Austen page on the Web, including
texts (many with rudimentary annotations), a biographical sketch, a
few images, a selected bibliography, as well as some jokes and other
jeux d'esprit.
- American
Society of Jane Austen Scholars (Univ. of Georgia and Univ. of Wisconsin-Whitewater)
- Includes the on-line journal Austen Quarterly
(in fact semi-annual) and links to other Austen resources.
- Jane Austen
Society of North America
- An extensive site on Austen for both scholars and
Janeites. Includes the on-line journal Persuasions.
- Guide
to the Jane Austen Collection, Goucher College
- A list of items in the extensive collection at Goucher
- The
Jane Austen Homepage (Geocities)
- A fan page, more popular than scholarly. Like all
Geocities sites, irritatingly commercial.
- Calendars
for Jane Austen's Novels (Ellen Moody, GMU)
- Handy and extensive chronologies to the novels.
- An attractive and extensive guide to Austen resources,
with E-texts, introductory commentary, bibliography, links, and more.
Very well done.
- Jane
Austen (Mitsuharu Matsuoka, Nagoya Univ.)
- An extensive collection of Austen links.
- Jane
Austen's House
- Information on the house in Chawton, with visitor's
- Jane Austen
Centre in Bath, England
- Information on the Centre and its publications, with
a few links to other resources and a chat group.
- Jane
Austen Society of the United Kingdom
- Information on the Society, with a brief biography,
images, discussions of costume, and links.
- Jane
Austen Society of Australia (JASA)
- Information on the Society and its publications and
- Jane
Austen Society of Melbourne
- Information on the Society.
Joanna Baillie
- Joanna
Baillie: An Annotated Bibliography (Ken Bugajski, Romanticism
on the Net)
- A very extensive annotated bibliography of primary
and secondary sources. Very impressive.
Anna Laetitia Barbauld
- The
Anna Laetitia Barbauld Web Site (Lisa Vargo and Allison Muri, Univ.
of Saskatchewan)
- Hypertext editions of Barbauld's poetry and prose,
with a chronology and several works of criticism from the eighteenth
century to the present. Requires frames.
- Anna
Laetitia Aikin Barbauld (1743-1825) (Celebration of Women Writers,
- A brief but intelligent biography, with selections
from her works and a bibliography of primary texts.
- Anna
Barbauld, Prose Works (Molly Beverstein and Laura Mandell)
- Primary texts, with a very rudimentary biography and
critical essay. More is promised.
Pierre Bayle
- Pierre
Bayle Home Page (Gianluca Mori, Italy)
- An extensive collection of material on Bayle in French,
English, and Italian. Includes primary and secondary bibliographies,
E-texts, news, and links.
- The
Beaumarchais Page
- A brief biography and chronology. In English.
William Beckford
- The
Beckford Project (Kevin Berland, Penn State)
- Beckford links and a description of the project to
catalogue his massive library.
- The William Beckford
Website (Dick Claésson, Göteborg University)
- An impressive site on Beckford, including biographical
and critical information, links, and facsimiles of several of his works.
Everything, including the site's text, is done as graphics; pages load
slowly and are unavailable to those with plain-text browsers.
Aphra Behn
- Annotated
Bibliography on Oroonoko (Jack Lynch, Rutgers)
- Covers mostly articles since 1985.
- The
Aphra Behn Society Homepage (Emory)
- Information on the Society and newsletters.
- The Aphra
Behn Page (Ruth Nestvold)
- Chronology, links, E-texts, and original essays.
- The Incomparable
Astrea: An Introduction to Aphra Behn (Susan Harwood Kaczmarczik)
- An introduction to Behn's life and work. Includes
an original essay, a short bibliography, and Web links.
William Blake
- The Blake Archive
(Morris Eaves, Robert Essick, and Joseph Viscomi, Virginia)
- The most important (and impressive) Blake resource
on the Web. Superb reproductions of Blake's engravings and careful transcriptions
of his text, with new works and copies of works added regularly. O
si sic omnes!
- Digital
Blake Project (Nelson Hilton, Univ. of Georgia)
- A graphics-intensive hypertext edition of the Songs,
along with the complete Erdman text of Blake's poems.
- Blake
eE Concordance
- Concordance to the on-line Erdman edition of Blake.
- The
Blake Multimedia Project (Steve Marx, CalPoly)
- Limited demonstration of "a hypertext interactive
edition that displays the plates on a monitor or projects them on a
screen. It allows the user to call up glossaries, critical intepretations,
explications and magnifications of details, comparisons to other plates,
and teaching exercises in print and audio modes."
- Blake Online
Archive (Seth Ross, AlbionBooks)
- Web archive of "an electronic conference & mailing
list dedicated to the life & work of William Blake."
- Blake
Web (David W. Downie, Univ. of Nebraska)
- Part of an MA thesis on Blake, including a short biography,
links to the works, and many color facsimiles of the plates (provenance
is not identified). Heavy on graphics and music; requires frames.
- Blake
Page (Richard Record)
- A big collection of electronic texts and color graphics
of the plates (the source of the plates is not identified).
- Willam
Blake Online (Tate Britain)
- An extensive and snazzy-looking exhibition on Blake's
life and works, both literary and visual.
- Annotated bibliographies
- A series of annotated bibliographies at the
University of Georgia:
James Boswell
- Yale
Editions of the Private Papers of James Boswell
- Information on the editorial project at Yale.
- James
Boswell page (Chris Whiley, Geocities)
- Includes a short biography and a shorter bibliography
of primary sources, along with links to many bits of Boswelliana on
the Net. Like all Geocities sites, irritatingly commercial.
- The
Sons of Ayrshire (Tom Kinsella, Stockton State)
- Brief hypertext guide to Boswell and Burns.
- Guide
to Boswell and Burns (OGI)
- Backgrounds, commentaries, and texts of two short
pieces by Boswell and two by Burns.
- The Biographer,
the Bluestocking, and the Great Cham (
- An extensive fan site, with useful bibliographical
information. Hosted by Geocities, and like all Geocities sites, filled
with distracting commercials.
Sir Thomas Browne
- Sir Thomas
Browne (James Eason, Chicago)
- Texts by Browne and others, with original annotations.
Very scholarly, very impressive.
John Bunyan
- International
John Bunyan Society
- Information relating mostly to the society (as opposed
to Bunyan himself), with information on forthcoming conferences.
Frances Burney
- Cecilia
by Frances Burney: A Study Guide (Cathy Decker, UCR)
- Brief bibliography, guide to characters, and discussion
Robert Burns
- The
Sons of Ayrshire (Tom Kinsella, Stockton State)
- Brief hypertext guide to Boswell and Burns.
- Guide
to Boswell and Burns (OGI)
- Backgrounds, commentaries, and texts of two short
pieces by Boswell and two by Burns.
- Robert
Burns, 1759-1796: A Bicentenary Exhibition from the G. Ross Roy Collection
(Univ. of South Carolina)
- On-line catalogue of an extensive exhibition from
1996. The text is limited, but the images are well chosen.
- The
Vocabulary of Robbie Burns
- A simple glossary of Burns's Scots dialect.
- Burns Country:
The Official Robert Burns Site
- Unscholarly and commercial, but bustling with stuff,
including the full text of The Burns Encyclopedia (1959).
- Robert
Burns Tribute: Burns Supper, Haggis, Poems and More
- A well-executed fan site.
- Robert
Burns 1759-1796, A Tribute to Scotland's National Bard
- Another fan site, again with original essays.
- The Robert
Burns Federation
- Information on the Federation, with notes for students
and an archive of original scholarly papers.
George Gordon, Lord Byron
- Byron
Chronology (Ann R. Hawkins, Romantic Circles)
- Extensive, searchable, hypertext chronology of Byron's
life. Scholarly and thorough. O si sic omnes!
- Don Juan, or Europe
- "The site establishes Don Juan as the guiding spirit
of a new educational tool for the exploration of European literature,
art, religion and society in the 17th century." In French and English.
- Lord
Byron: A Comprehensive Study of His Life and Work
- Far from comprehensive, but not a bad introduction.
Biographical sketch, brief biography, images, and selected works.
- George
Gordon, Lord Byron (Jeffrey Hoeper)
- The full text of E. H. Coleridge's biography, with
E-texts, facsimiles of Byron's handwriting, quotations, and a few links.
- Byron
Index Page (L. J. Webb)
- An unscholarly fan page, but with useful information
on Byron's life and reputation.
- Lord
George Gordon Byron Life and Art
- Another fan site, with more biographical sketches
and links (many obsolete).
Thomas Chatterton
- The
Thomas Chatterton Society
- Information on the Society and its activities, with
E-texts and links.
- Thomas Chatterton
- Unscholarly fan site, with biographical sketch, short
E-texts, and links.
Samuel Taylor Coleridge
- S.
T. Coleridge Home Page (Virginia)
- An important and extensive archive, mostly of primary
texts, but also with chronologies, recommended reading, a glossary,
George Colman the Younger
- George
Colman the Younger (William Burling, Southwest Missouri State, and
Martin Wood, Univ. of Wisconsin Eau Claire)
- Overview of Colman's works, with biography, a bibliography,
catalogue of correspondence, and a portrait.
Abraham Cowley
- The Abraham
Cowley Text and Image Archive (Daniel Kinney, Virginia)
- "This archive has been gathered to illuminate Cowley's
engagements with various registers of visual imagery and with the complex
material culture it did, and still does, much to shape." Centered on
the Plantarum libri sex. Two complete texts and dozens of relevant
page images some from Cowley's works, others from books and
paintings that may have influenced or inspired Cowley.
William Cowper
- Cowper/Newton
Museum, Olney
- Information on the two hymnodists, their times, and
the museum.
Mary Delany
- Mary
Delany Home Page (Alain Kerhervé, Geocities)
- A brief site, in French, on Kerhervé's research
on Delany, with a few links to other sites. Like all Geocities sites,
irritatingly commercial.
Henri-Joseph Du Laurens
- Henri-Joseph
Du Laurens (1719-1793)
- Biography, bibliographies, and some E-texts. Impressively
thorough. In French.
Maria Edgeworth
- English
Men of Letters: Maria Edgeworth (1905) (Celebration of Women Writers,
- Text of the early study by Emily Lawless.
Olaudah Equiano
- Olaudah
Equiano, or, Gustavus Vassa, the African (Brycchan Carey)
- The best place to start for information on Equiano.
Includes a bibliography, maps of Equiano's travels, selections from
his Narrative, portraits, and links.
- The
Equiano Foundation
- Brief biography and information on the Foundation.
- Ola
udah Equiano (1745-1797) (Angelo Costanzo)
- Notes on teaching the Narrative in the context of
American literature.
Ann Finch, Countess of Winchilsea
- I
On Myself Can Live: An Unfinished Study of Ann Finch, Countess of Winchilsea
(Ellen Moody, GMU)
- Opening chapters of an in-progress biographical study.
- Chronology
of Ann Finch's Poems (Ellen Moody, GMU)
- Short timeline of Finch's life with notes on the poems.
- Anne
Finch, Countess of Winchilsea (Celebration of Women Writers, Penn)
- Short biography and primary bibliography, with links
to some poems on-line.
William Godwin
- Go
dwin Graphics (Pitzer's Anarchist Archives)
- Nine engravings of Godwin and Wollstonecraft.
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe:
- Johann
Wolfgang von Goethe (Jane K. Brown, Univ. of Washington)
- Long encyclopedia-style biography with illustrations
and a bibliography of works.
- Goethe
Page (Gonçalo L. Fonseca, Johns Hopkins)
- Links to texts in English and German, biographies,
chronology, bibliographies.
- Faust
Study Questions (Paul Brian, WSU)
- Long discussion of Faust for students.
- Goethe
Page (Katharena Eiermann)
- An extensive (although not scholarly) collection of
Goethe resources, including biography, interpretive essays, and selected
- Goethe-Institut
- Information on the Institute in English and German.
Goethe himself is a small part of the Institute's focus on German language
and culture.
- Faust
Study Questions (Paul Brians, Washington State Univ.)
- An extensive study guide for students. Introductory,
but pleasingly thorough and reliable.
- Goethe's
Faust (Pam Mack, Clemson)
- Class notes. Sketchy (they're notes, not an essay),
but useful for students.
Mme de Graffigny
- Correspondance
de Mme de Graffigny (J. A. Dainard, Univ. of Toronto)
- Searchable index of the Graffigny's correspondents
with a bibliography.
Thomas Gray
- The Thomas Gray
Archive: An Interactive Hypermedia Repository (Alexander Huber)
- An attractive and scholarly edition of the fourteen
poems published in Gray's lifetime, with extensive and collaborative
commentary. Also includes biography, a chronology, images, and a bibliography.
First-rate: O si sic omnes!
Elizabeth Griffith
- Elizabeth
Griffith Homepage (Cynthia B. Ricciardi, Bridgewater State College)
- Brief biography and bibliography, with more promised.
Mary Hays
- Mary Hays
Website (Eleanor Ty, Wilfrid Laurier Univ.)
- A brief biography, bibliography, extracts from the
works, and links by one of Hays's modern editors.
Eliza Haywood
- Eliza
Haywood (Catherine Ingrassia, VCU)
- A chronology and an extensive (but not annotated)
bibliography of primary and secondary sources.
William Hazlitt
- William
Hazlitt (Peter Landry)
- Quotations and a the texts of a few essays. Unscholarly
but well done.
Felicia Hemans
- Felicia
Hemans (Celebration of Women Writers, Penn)
- Short biography and primary bibliography, with links
to some poems on-line.
- Bibliography
of Felicia Hemans (Nanora Sweet, Univ. of Missouri, St. Louis)
- An extension of the New Cambridge Bibliography
of English Literature.
- Chronology
of Felicia Hemans and Her Milieu (Nanora Sweet, Univ. of Missouri,
St. Louis)
- A straightforward timeline of the major dates.
William Hone
- William
Hone BioText (Kyle Grimes, Univ. of Alabama at Birmingham)
- "William Hone (1780-1842) was a prominent radical
writer, parodist, antiquarian and publisher during the early decades
of the nineteenth century." The site consists of a biography, E-texts,
and several bibliographies of primary and secondary works.
Samuel Johnson
- Samuel
Johnson Page (Jack Lynch, Rutgers)
- An index of Web pages on Johnson, including a comprehensive
bibliography of recent scholarship.
- A
Guide to Samuel Johnson (Jack Lynch, Rutgers)
- My own introduction to Johnson's life and works; includes
annotated bibliographies.
- Johnsonian
Bibliography, 1985- (Jack Lynch, Rutgers)
- A comprehensive bibliography of studies of Samuel
Johnson since 1985. A print version from AMS press covers everything
through 1998; the searchable on-line version is regularly updated.
- The Samuel
Johnson Sound Bite Page (Frank Lynch)
- Hundreds of documented quotations, organized into
topical groups and searchable.
- Doctor
Johnson's Page (SFSU)
- Mostly quotations.
- Penn
State Archive for Samuel Johnson's Lives of the Poets (Kathleen
- Full texts of the Lives. Not yet complete.
- Johnson
Society of Australia
- Information on the Society.
- The Johnson
Society of the Central Region
- Information on the society, including its newsletter
and notices of its meetings.
- The
Johnson Society of London
- Information on the Society.
- Dr Johnson's
House (Gough Square)
- An illustrated guide to the house in London.
- Addenda
and Corrigenda to J. D. Fleeman, A Bibliography of the Writings of
Samuel Johnson, 1731-1984
- James McLaverty of Keele University has been keeping
track of errors and omissions in Fleeman's monumental bibliography.
- The Lichfield
Rambler (Johnson Society, Lichfield)
- Information on the Society, its publications, and
John Keats
- Keats-Shelley
- Information on the journal (not available on-line),
with events announcements and links to other Keats and Shelley resources.
- Keats-Shelley
Journal Bibliography (Romantic Circles)
- Extensive and scholarly bibliography of Romantic-period
writers, updated regularly. O si sic omnes!
- Keats
and Shelley House, Rome
- Attractive, but of more use to tourists visiting the
house than to scholars. Graphics-heavy, and requires frames.
- John
Keats: A Comprehensive Study of His Life and Work
- A misleading title for an unscholarly, but not bad,
introduction. Includes a biography, chronology, images, and selections
from the works.
- John
- A sharp-looking fan site, with a brief biography,
poems, and letters.
Anne Killigrew
- Anne
Killigrew (Celebration of Women Writers, Penn)
- Brief biography.
Letitia Elizabeth Landon (LEL)
- Letitia
Elizabeth Landon Page (Glenn Dibert-Himes, Sheffield-Hallam Univ.)
- An extensive collection of material on LEL, including
a biographical sketch, critical essays, a few texts, and a large bibliography
of primary and secondary sources.
Mary Leapor
- The
Poetry of Mary Leapor (1722-46) (Laura Mandell, Miama Univ. of Ohio)
- Electronic texts.
Charlotte Ramsay Lennox
- Charlotte
Ramsay Lennox (Devoney Looser and George Justice, Missouri)
- Biographical sketch and bibliographies of primary
works, early reviews, and recent scholarship. Well done.
Edmond Malone
- The Malone
- Information on the Society and its publications.
Pietro Metastasio
- Metastasio
Website Home Page (Don Neville, Univ. of Western Ontario)
- A guide to Metastasio's works, with several bibliographies
and an extensive database.
John Milton
- The
Milton-L Home Page (Kevin Creamer)
- A site to support Kevin Creamer's excellent mailing
list. Includes chronologies, E-texts, book reviews, events, &c.
- Milton
Review (Kevin Creamer)
- on-line review of Milton studies.
- John Milton
Reading Room (Thomas Luxon, Dartmouth)
- Good, reliable E-texts of Milton's works, some with
commentary and textual variants, along with a Selected Bibliography
of Criticism, 1987-1996.
- Milton's
Works and Life: Select Studies and Resources (R. G. Siemens, Univ.
of Alberta)
- iEMLS reproduces Siemens's extensive bibliography,
with useful commentary, from The Cambridge Companion to Milton,
2nd ed. Over 300 items. Mighty impressive.
- John Milton
Website (Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Brazil)
- Information on Milton, including biography, bibliographies,
events, and original essays, in both Portuguese and English.
- Milton
at Otago (John Hale)
- Some resources local to Otago, but a good miscellaneous
collection of Milton material.
- Site
Molière (Philippe Parker)
- Complete texts in French, along with links. The host
fills the site with terribly irritating and intrusive commercials.
Thomas Love Peacock
- Thomas
Love Peacock Society
- A great many E-texts of Peacock's novels and poetry,
a complete list of works, biographical and critical excerpts, a chat
group, and links. Very extensive.
Katherine Philips ("Orinda")
- Poetry
of Katherine Fowler Philips (
- Very brief discussion of her life and several poems.
Hester Lynch Thrale Piozzi
- Hester
Lynch Thrale Piozzi (Devoney Looser and George Justice, Missouri)
- Biographical and bibliographical information by a
pair of authorities.
Alexander Pope
- The
Rape of the Lock Home Page (S. Constantine, Univ. of Massachusetts)
- Brief biography of Pope, background on the Rape,
Pope chronology, and a sparsely annotated E-text of the poem.
- Alexander
Pope's Homepage: Your Connection to 18th Century Literature, Travel,
and Suicide Prevention (Geocities)
- Chatty page providing portraits and a few works for
Pope, Behn, Cibber, Gay, Dryden, Hogarth, and Swift. Like all Geocities
sites, irritatingly commercial.
- Engraving
from Pope's Rape of the Lock (Jeffrey Barr, Univ. of Florida)
- Images from two editions of The Rape, which
can be compared in frames.
Matthew Prior
- The
Matthew Prior Project (H. Bunker Wright, Richard B. Kline, and Deborah
Kempf Wright, Miami Univ.)
- A major scholarly project to produce a searchable
index of all of the 3,000 letters to and from Prior. They hope to add
transcriptions as they become available.
Ann Radcliffe
- The
Life of Ann Radcliffe (Rictor Norton)
- Synopsis of Mistress of Udolpho, the first
full-scale biography of Radcliffe.
Mary Darby Robinson
- Mary
Robinson Bibliography (Laura Runge)
- "An unofficial list of all works by and about Mary
Darby Robinson, divided into Primary Texts, Biographical Works, Critical
Discussions and Other." Admirably scholarly.
- Mary
Darby Robinson (Celebration of Women Writers, Penn)
- Biography, illustrations, selected works, parimary
John Wilmot, Earl of Rochester
- John
Wilmot Earl of Rochester (Mark Ynys-Mon)
- Several poems and a brief biographical sketch.
- John
Wilmot, Second Earl of Rochester (Ealasaid A. Haas)
- Materials from an undergraduate honors thesis, including
the thesis itself and several of Rochester's poems.
Jean-Jacques Rousseau
- Jean-Jacques Rousseau,
citoyen de Genève
- An introduction to Rousseau's life and works; part
of Geneva Online. Not very scholarly, but the bibliographies and brief
sketches are useful. In French. Requires frames.
Marquis de Sade
- The
Marquis de Sade (Neil Schaeffer)
- A chronology, biographical notes, and a bibliography.
Ignatius Sancho
- Ignatius
Sancho: African Man of Letters (Brycchan Carey, Univ. of London)
- Jekyll's life, an annotated bibliography, selections
from Sancho's letters, and links, with more to come. Very impressive.
- Ignatius
Sancho: A Bibliography (Brycchan Carey, Univ. of London)
- Extensive and annotated bibliography of primary and
secondary works.
Sir Walter Scott
- Waverley
Hypertext Homepage (Andre Monnickendam)
- Hypertext edition of Scott's Waverley, including
commentary and contexts. Useful summaries of the views of major critics.
Anthony Ashley Cooper, Earl of Shaftesbury
- The
Third Earl of Shaftesbury Bibliography (Laurent Jaffro, UFR)
- An extensive but unannotated secondary bibliography
on Shaftesbury. Text is in French; the cited items are in English, French,
German, and Italian. Very scholarly.
Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley
- Mary
Wollstonecraft Shelley Chronology & Resource Site (Shanon Lawson,
Delaware; Romantic Circles)
- Thorough and accurate timeline, along with the texts
of early reviews and a short secondary bibliography.
- Hail Mary
Shelley for Her Frankenstein Exercise of Mind
- An unscholarly reading of the novel.
Percy Bysshe Shelley
- Keats-Shelley
- Edited by Steven Jones. Information on the journal
(not available on-line), with events announcements and links to other
Keats and Shelley resources.
- Keats-Shelley
Journal Bibliography
- The annual bibliography of recent scholarship.
- Keats
and Shelley House, Rome
- Attractive, but of more use to tourists visiting the
house than to scholars. Graphics-heavy, and requires frames.
- Desperately
Seeking Shelley: PBS Sites/Sights 1999-2000 (Darby Lewes and Bob
- Photographs and discussions of the places in Shelley's
life, in England, Ireland, Scotland, Wales, France, Switzerland, and
Arend Fokke Simonsz
- Arend
Fokke Simonsz (1755-1812)
- Biographies and a brief essay. Parts in Dutch and
Mme de Staël
- Société
des études staliennes
- Information on the Society, including original scholarship.
Laurence Sterne
- Annotated
Bibliography of Criticism on Tristram Shandy (Jack Lynch,
- Comments on selected scholarly publications, mostly
since 1978.
- The
- Information on the print journal, with tables of contents.
- Vienna
- Laurence Sterne is at the center of the University
of Vienna's off-the-wall philosophy Web site. (Down?)
- Laurence
Sterne in Cyberspace (Masaru Uchida, Gifu Univ., Japan)
- Electronic texts (including hypertexts), bibliographies,
and miscellaneous essays.
Jonathan Swift
- Gulliver's
Travels Chronology (Lee Jaffee)
- A big timeline of things related to Swift and Gulliver.
- Gulliver's
Travels Bibliography (Lee Jaffee)
- Extensive bibliography of secondary sources on Swift,
Gulliver, and their background.
- Ehrenpreis
Institut für Swift Studien (Münster)
- Information (in German) on the Institute.
- Swift
Conference Series
- Information on the annual symposia in the Dean Swift
Seminar Series, including programs and papers.
- Candide:
Illustrations of a Classic (Univ. Library of Trier, Germany)
- An exhibition on Voltaire's Candide, with electronic
texts in several languages, hundreds of images, and an extensive bibliography.
O si sic omnes!
- Voltaire Foundation
- Information on the Foundation and its publications.
Includes a few electronic texts and images.
- The
Voltaire Society of America (Chicago)
- Information on the Society, with a few images and
news on Voltaire.
- Notes
on Voltaire's Philosophical Dictionary (Paul Brians, Washington
State Univ.)
- Solid study guide for students. A good introduction.
Jacob Campo Weyerman
- Jacob
Campo Weyerman (1677-1747)
- General information on Weyerman in English and Dutch.
William Wordsworth
- Lyrical
Ballads Hypertext Project (Bruce Graver and Ronald Tetreault)
- In-progress scholarly hypertext edition showing the
various states of the poems in Lyrical Ballads. Requires frames.
- Lyrical
Ballads Bicentenary Project (Ron Tetreault and Bruce Graver, Dalhousie)
- Several of Wordsworth's poems in page images, diplomatic
transcriptions, and elaborate hypertext collations. Very impressive.
Requires frames.
- Wordsworth
Variorum Archive (James M. Garrett)
- In-progress edition of Wordsworth's poetry, showing
the variants from all a number of editions. Requires frames.
- History
of Composition and Select Bibliography of The Prelude (Laura
Mandell, Miami Univ., Ohio)
- Background information, bibliographies for several
of the books of the Prelude, and transcriptions of the most important
passages in the poem.
- Locating
Lyrical Ballads
- A useful set of resources prepared by students for
students. Includes notes on the poems.
- TCG's
Wordsworth Page (USD)
- Quotations, links, and a few transcriptions. Bad color
scheme makes it hard to read.
- The Wordsworth
Trust, Centre for British Romanticism
- Information on the Trust and Dove Cottage.