Health - Herbs & Vitamins
Learn about common herbs, natural health remedies, vitamines and minerals:
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Vitamins and Minerals:

Selected Websites:

Cyber Vitamins
A Reference Guide for Vitamins, Minerals, and Herbs. General information about Vitamins and RDA allowances. Excellent info on Minerals, Trace Minerals and Herbs.

American Cancer Society
See what both promoters and critics say about these non-traditional methods of treatment.

Health Link
We provide these publications at no cost to our readers. The editors have used sources believed to be reliable to provide information that is complete and generally in accord with the standards accepted at the time of publication.

An index of Vitamins Supplements and Herbs.

Complementary & Integrative Therapies
These approaches include plant-derived herbs or extracts, vitamins and minerals. Some of these include aloe, gingko, Echinacea, folic acid, and selenium.

Many of us don't get our recommended nutrition from diet alone. That's why we take vitamins. Learn more about individual vitamins and their benefits.