Health - Fitness, Diet, Looks
Selected Websites:


A highly targeted Fitness & Health Search Engine, provide the Internet users the best Fitness & Health results possible. It distributes millions of advertisements throughout the Internet each month.

24Hour Fitness
We had a vision to make fitness a way of life by creating the ultimate in multi-sport fitness centers and make them affordable to people of all abilities and fitness levels.

Fitness Journal
We offer a complete exercise log for people who wish to improve their fitness level, athletes who are looking to set a new personal record, and people who just want to lose a few pounds.

Fitness Equipment

Big Fitness
We sell all of our products at the minimum suggested retail price. We constantly compare our prices to our competitors to make sure we are selling for less. We ensure consumer are purchasing our products at the lowest possible cost.

Body Works Fitness Equipment
We are a leading provider of brand-name, new and used, commercial exercise equipment. We specialize in designing and building state-of-the-art fitness centers from concept through completion.


American Council on Exercise
A non-profit organization, promotes active lifestyles. ACE protects the consumer from ineffective fitness products, programs and trends through public education.

Collage Video
634 exercise videos from Collage Video. Detailed descriptions of each fitness video. Helpful searches. Magazine reviews.


Food & Nutrition Information Center
Provide a directory to credible, accurate, and practical resources for consumers, nutrition and health professionals, educators and government personnel.

A user friendly, searchable version of the authoritative nutrient database is available for download onto personal computers (PCs) and laptops free of charge.

Cosmetic Surgery

The American Academy of Cosmetic Surgery
The academy brings together all medical specialties devoted to the dissemination of knowledge. Technical skill, and expertise in the practice of cosmetic surgery.

Cosmetic Surgery Times
Where the Exchange on Aesthetic Perspective Begins. It is the only newsmagazine to specifically address the concerns of the physician involved in cosmetic surgery.


To provide authoritative information about the skin, hair, and scalp. All information has been written for the interested patient rather than the expert and is thus not fully referenced.

Hair Club
Hair Club offers free private consultations, with hair loss experts, to help educate you on different hair loss remedy options.