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Hospital Association
The Illinois Hospital Association represents more than 200 hospitals and
emerging health systems and the patients and communities they serve. Listing
of IHA member hospitals/health systems. View the name, address, phone
number, Web site link, and other information for that hospital/health
Search no more, you have found the fastest way to locate any hospital
or medical center.
News Best Hospital 2004
Search our directory of 177 hospitals, or browse the alphabetical index.
You may search by specialty and/or location to get a list of hospitals
that meet your needs. The more criteria you select, the fewer hospitals
will be in your results list.
Allows you to search a national database of over 1,000 hospitals for the
purpose of finding a care center that meets your needs.
Doctors Plus
Direct Doctors Plus is a referral, appointment, and information service,
providing access to highly qualified physicians and medical information.