Health - Find a Doctor
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Available Information Includes: Physician Name, HMO Affiliations, Degree, Hospital Affiliations, Office Address, Phone and Fax Numbers, E-Mail Address, Specialty and UPIN.

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Selected Websites:

Doctor Search
Doctor Search provides information about individual physicians, including practice address, telephone number, qualifications, etc., and whether they are accepting new patients.

Locate A Doc.Com
Find doctors in your area for breast implants, breast augmentation, lip augmentation, lasik, liposuction, plastic surgery, cosmetic surgery, cosmetic dentistry, and more.

Web MD Health
The WebMD Physician Directory contains important information about practicing physicians throughout the U.S. You can search for a doctor within five miles of your home or office or a doctor who accepts your HMO insurance plan or uses the hospital you prefer.

Rush University Medical Center
Use this advance search form to find a doctor, even by his/her spoken language.

Doctor Directory maintains a searchable database of over 600,000 physicians, with information including Practice Name, Insurance, Specialties, Office Hours, and Contact information.