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"Do not cook meat in milk, even that of its mother."
Shmot (Exodus) 23:19 • "Do not eat meat cooked in milk, even that of its own mother." Shmot (Exodus) 34:26 • "Do not cook meat in milk, even that of its mother." Dvarim (Deuteronomy) 14:21 The prohibition to eat meat and milk together is written 3 times in the Torah. Eating Kosher food constitutes one of the most important principles in Judaism. "Of all the animals in the world, these are the ones that you may eat: Among mammals, you may eat [any one] that has true hooves that are cloven and that bring up its cud. However, among the cud-chewing, hoofed animals, these are the ones that you may not eat: The camel... The hyrax... The hare... The pig... Do not eat the flesh of any of these animals... This is what you may eat of all that is in the water: You may eat any creature that lives in the water, whether in seas or rivers, as long as it has fins and scales. All creatures in seas and rivers that do not have fins and scales... must be avoided by you... You must avoid them by not eating their flesh... These are the flying animals that you must avoid... [With this law, you will be able] to distinguish
between the unclean and the clean, between edible animals and animals
which may not be eaten." "Do not eat any abomination... You may thus eat every animal that has a true hoof that is cloven into two parts, and which brings up its cud... There are some [animals] that you may not eat. These include the camel, hyrax and hare... Also included is the pig... Do not eat the flesh of these [animals] and do not touch their carcasses. Among that which is in the water, you may eat anything
that has fins and scales. But those which have no fins and scales, you
may not eat, since they are unclean to you. How do I know it's Kosher? The Hebrew word "Kosher" means fit or proper as related to dietary (kosher) laws. It means that a given product is permitted and acceptable. Though hygienic and health benefits have been attributed to the observance of kashrut, their ultimate purpose and rationale is simply to conform to the mitzvot (commandments) as expressed in the Torah. KOSHER AND NON-KOSHER MEAT, POULTRY, AND FISH 1. Meat: 2. Poultry: 3. Fish: KOSHER SLAUGHTERING (Shechita) The processing of kosher meats and poultry requires that the animal be slaughtered in the manner prescribed by the Torah. 1. Shechita: 2. Bedika: 3. Glatt Kosher: 4. Nikkur: 5. Koshering: MEAT AND MILK IN THE KOSHER KITCHEN The Torah forbids cooking meat and milk together in any form, eating such cooked products, or deriving benefit from them. As a safeguard, the Rabbis extended this prohibition to disallow the eating of meat and dairy products at the same meal or preparing them on the same utensils. One must wait up to six hours after eating meat products before any dairy products may be eaten. However, meat may be eaten following dairy products with the one exception of hard cheese (6 months old or more), which also requires up to a six hour interval. Prior to eating meat after dairy, the mouth must be rinsed. 1. Utensils: 2. Washing Dishes: EGGS: The eggs or animal by-product of non-kosher birds or fish are not kosher. Caviar, therefore, must come from a kosher fish. Eggs of kosher fowl which contain a bloodspot must be discarded, and therefore eggs should be checked before use. BAKERIES, BAKED GOODS, BREAD, ROLLS, PASTRIES AND BAGELS 1. The "Taking" of Challah: If this Mitzvah has not been performed in the bakery, it may be performed in the home by placing all the baked goods in one room, breaking open all sealed packages material, and removing and burning a small piece from one of the loaves. When some of the loaves are of wheat flour and some of the loaves are of rye (or one of the five previously listed grains). Challah must then be taken from a loaf of each type. 2. Emulsifiers, Shortenings, Oils,
Flavors, Fillings, Cremes, and Fudges: 3. Cake, Pastries, Doughnuts,
& Dairy Breads: DAIRY PRODUCTS 1. Chalav Israel: 2. Cheeses, Sour Cream, Buttermilk,
Yogurt, & Desserts: 3. Margarine: NATURAL AND HEALTH FOODS Even if a product is sold in a natural or health food store, it requires supervision. WINES AND GRAPE PRODUCTS All grape wines or brandies must be prepared under strict Orthodox Rabbinic supervision. Once the wine has been cooked, no restrictions are attached to its handling. Grape Jam, Grape Jelly, Natural and "Artificial" Grape Flavors, can be used only when produced under proper kosher supervision. Liqueurs, even though not possessing a wine base, nevertheless require supervision because of the flavorings used in these products. TRAVELING KOSHER When traveling by plane, train, or ship, kosher meals should be ordered in advance. These meals are heated in non-kosher ovens. The traveler can ascertain by the intact kashrut certification seals that the dinners have not been tempered with. Any dinner which is not so sealed should not be eaten.
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